Super Freak
Does he swear a lot too wookster?
Does he swear a lot too wookster?
Good lord, that hedgehog is cute.
Had dinner on our balcony last night. The mother morning dove never moved. It was a little disconcerting to eat poultry with her beady little eyes staring at me from a few feet away.
Should have offered it a bit!
I had a neighbor that looked like a backwoods Commissioner Gordon and would at random times ask my wife and I if we enjoyed Blue Jeans...he didn't live in the back yard really but frequented it often enough.
Mags, mourning doves are really stupid. They'll throw together a nest almost anywhere. When I turn into my driveway, the dummies will sit and I have to beep my horn to get them to move. Then they'll just stroll to the side to let me through. I've seen many of these get taken out by hawks simply because they just sit there and get picked off. They're too busy watching the hawk swoop down on them to move. I think they're high most of the time.