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Jedi, for sure. I love Sideshow and their stuff, but everybody can use a little improvement now and then.
Besides, Jedi have lightsabers. And speaking of change, I wish we had a version of this smily
with a blue lightsaber. I'm all about the blue blades.
Captain Aldeggon said:
Jedi, for sure. I love Sideshow and their stuff, but everybody can use a little improvement now and then.
Besides, Jedi have lightsabers. And speaking of change, I wish we had a version of this smily
with a blue lightsaber. I'm all about the blue blades.
Well...sith have lightsabers too, but I am also with the jedi. I mean come on, I want the ability to turn into a ghost and go all voyeur on people. I bet Ben snuck a peak when luke was in the all know it happened