Who's picking up this bad boy?

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As long as you own the true Prime, the Takara MP version and not the awful international "re-makes" it'll look great next to Megatron.

And as a tribute I have changed my Avatar :cool: Hell, can't do it...it's supposed to be

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Eli26 said:
I wish people would stop bashing a movie that isn't even complete. What, you say it is now? Be that if it is or not, people been bashing it long before it came into production or we had any visual idea of what these robots would look like. Point is, give it a chance. Then bash it if necessary, but enough with the put downs until you atleast seen the movie. Like someone disliking a person based on how they present themselves. You need to know the product before you can have an opinion of it. I am not even referring to this movie, but everything in general... gotta love sceptics. Give peace... errr.. this movie a chance!

Well, that's my rant of the day. lol

This is Bay, errr Eli26 signing off.

Sorry you don't like my take of Michael Bay's Go-Bot movie but I'm sure it'll rock---- as an action big robots blow sh*t up movie. Starscream looks like a turkey--- That's not the Starscream I fought with in '84-'85. Optimus with flames? Bumblebee not talking? A bad cop car----hmmmm, Prowl where has thou gone?

Let's make SW and have Chewbacca a four foot tall chihuahua:chew .

I'm sure it'll be a great movie--- but i'm entitled to an opinion--- like your FF4 opinion that you shared on another thread. How dare you!:D
alphatyrant said:
As long as you own the true Prime, the Takara MP version and not the awful international "re-makes" it'll look great next to Megatron.

And as a tribute I have changed my Avatar :cool: Hell, can't do it...it's supposed to be


That's the spirit!