THANK YOU! Hit the nail on the head.
BTW, CelticP, in 2006 you shouldn't even have had to pay $200 for him! Less than that easy, judging by the time period.
And I wouldn't say anyone's whining, except for those WTBers who want to claim an AVP Pred as their first fig from HT. Their budgets go up to $200-something, because they still can't understand what many of us have come to accept, sadly: it's all hype.
Personally, I think $400 + shipping for an AVP Pred MIB (if not Celtic, then at least Chopper, I mean c'mon!) is a perfectly decent deal. No, a perfectly decent price, not a deal.
Y'know how many used Choppers are on here for less than $300? Lots of 'em (I should know, I've PM'd those sellers... sadly no responses yet
). I think adding an extra hundred bucks to that price to get it unassembled in box is the most anyone should have to pay. That, and of course shipping costs.
I'm with Prefused in the sense that it is no one other than us, the buyers, who give the secondary-market sellers the impression that $500-$600 should be accepted as "a good deal" by all potential buyers. It shouldn't. No figure, in my opinion is worth that much money. It's interest that causes the "value" to triple, nearly quadruple. You have the worth of the actual item, and factor in the interest (or rather, based on history, how much are people
willing to pay).
Having that said, I
am definitely willing to pay $400 + S&H. Doesn't mean I like it. But it's been 4 years and these things are selling for over half a grand! Guys like us who are still after these puppies have no choice -- but we shouldn't resort to eBay-esque pricing!
Remember when P2 Elder came out? What was his price, hmm... $145 or so? But since everyone went ga-ga over it, he's being sold for almost $700. Does that seem at all right?