Why do people here insist on going to eBay for their items?

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My personal take on this is, Hey I've been scammed here is what they are doing/ Watch out for this .... Like a heads up type deal, Not I've been scammed wah wah wah, ..... I don't care, I know I will get my money back.... I either get a killer price or somebody running a scam and helping me save my money for another week, Now if I was short on cash I'd probably feel a little different, But if that was the case I shouldn't be buying $200 figures...

Now in my most recent case the seller had real in hand pictures and a very convincing listing, Believe it or not some people do sell things for around what they paid for it or less even if it's worth a lot more, This may because their conscience won't let them sell it for triple what they paid or they just don't know what it's worth.... Either way these deals are on Ebay some of them are real and I get them all the time! WOOOOOOO ME!
2 Funny ebay sorrys for you guys. 1 I order a soul of chogokin gold Lightan figure and paid $185.00 with shipping. When I got it the figure was opened and VERY badly used almost like a little kid played with it so I whated to send it back to get my money back. Ebay gave me $20.00 and said have a nice day and wouldn't let me send it back. 2 The best of all the stores I got I order a new set of handle bars for my Vespa PX and the seller bent the handle bars to making them fit in a REALLY small box and I sent it back and then the guy was sending me emails a letters saying i'm an idea because he has my name and address. So I called ebay telling them what this guy was doing and they said I should have gotten him mad... Yeah and that's why I am on here to try and buy and sell here and not on BS ebay.
For European collectors eBay is still one of the best places to buy from. Just do your homework, get to know a few key sellers and it can work well. That said,with dudes like Wai Man about, its getting far easier to order from importers with less hassle.
Really depends. There are great seller who runs their eBay shop like any reputable online or brick/mortar sellers and then there are also scammers/flippers that just wants to make a few extra bucks. Per Wookster, get to know your seller like you would any other retailer and all should be well.
Its fun, I love going through pages of 1.6 stuff and picking out the bits I want, takes a couple of weeks for delivery, but most of the stuff I get is from China / Hong Kong.
I've only had problems as a SELLER when people don't pay for items. Ive sold a few hundred things just this year alone and I have had to file well over 30 Non-Paid Items just this year alone. Every year the Non-Paid items get worse and worse. Buyers have all the power. And It gets really annoying dealing with Non-Paid Items so I have really stopped selling on eBay. I put just one item up 2 weeks ago, which was my first auction in about 6 months, and of course the buyer did not pay. Gave me an lame excuse that he "didn't have a bank account". So I'm like "why are you on eBay and its also against the rules of eBay not to have a bank account". Plus i noticed he bought other items from other people after he won my auction. Im still waiting for the Non-Paid Item Claim to end and i can get my eBay fees back.

So I'm pretty much done with selling on eBay.

Plus the fees...unless your going to make a significant profit on something, like atleast 20-30% or more of what you originally paid, to me its just not worth selling.

As a Buyer, I have never been scammed. I have over 1,800 transactions so I have had to file my share of "Item Not Received" against sellers and always have been refunded. A few cases items were damaged during mail but always had seller refund or send me a new one if they had it.

Overall as a Buyer, eBay is fine. But I would never Pre-Order anything, and just always check people's ratings. I try to only buy from people with 100% with several hundred or more transactions or if they have had negatives see what kind of negatives they received. If sellers seem rude or make stupid remarks with their responses, I stay away.

That's wht I stopped with the hole ebay thing. I only buy now from BBTS and sideshow and some other people here and there. Ebay I was buying 35-50 things a mouth (yeah I know it's alout of **** LoL) and lets say it's 35 things that mouth 5-8 of those thing there would be a problem. Like the wrong item broken openinged open or missing something. So I I hit and this close my ebay down 5 years and had 850 feedback buying and selling... But hey I has it with the scams on there. Only ran into 1 VERY good seller and his name was the anime king Very nice guy.
I've made hundreds of ebay purchases over the years and never have been scammed, it only takes some research and above all common sense to tell what is genuine and what isn't. It's not rocket science.
