And then they went and did that with Dollhouse. So someone has something against Joss in that place. Why he keeps going back to them is beyond me.
IF my memory serves me correctly, Joss kept returning to i mean Fox, because he was under contract with them. At the time Firefly was due to air, he was starting work on Season 5 of Angel and also preping his first treatment of DollHouse for Fox...
After the pathetic "3 episode blunder" Fox came out with for Firefly, airing the as written second episode as the pilot and not airing the actual pilot till the last episode, with heavy cuts, and in some cases not airing it at all (I've heard of cases where only 2-3 episodes of the show ever actually aired, mainly in the UK and some parts of the USA and Canada...and of course the 2 episode original run in Australlia), Fox decided to terminate Joss's contract with them. They pulled Angel from production while they were in the process of writing what was to be its sixth and final season, and left Joss in the lurch. ***
Then a couple years later (and a new Fox Exec) they approached him to bring DollHouse to production (after shelving it during the "anti-Joss" cull). At the time, he didnt want to work with Fox and instead approached different studios about making a feature film from FireFly (what we all know as Serenity), Fox tried to veto this, even so much as to say THEY owned the entire show....Joss, not being a fool, had the contract on his side, but Fox had the name FireFly.
After Serenity "under-performed" at cinemas (Fox REFUSED to air any trailers or promo's for the film, another attempt to ruin Joss) and the studio (i forget which) didnt pick up the possibility of a continued series, Joss returned to his ONLY friend at Fox, and got DollHouse into production.
Of Course, Fox would later bite him again, and if my memory isnt completely shot to hell and back, i believe he now refuses to work for the network, focusing more on the comics for Angel, Buffy and Firefly, and getting his own ideas out there in feature film form through other networks...
Amendum *** - I spoke of the "Three Episode Blunder". This is actually a reference to how Fox aired the first three episodes of FireFly. I forget the titles but fans will remember them. The Train Robbery Episode (aired as pilot), the second "Niska" episode and then the bounty hunter episode (which in the run was actually the last) were aired one after the other in Australlia, New Zealand, the UK and parts of Canada. In the USA the "Pilot" epsiode was "The Train Robbery", and then after 3 more episodes they repeated the run over 4 weeks before new episodes aired.
Sorry for the long post, its been a while since I wrote an artical on this for TFN, but anyways...
Miss the show

...alot...i still have to get my better half to watch the show (and film) i KNOW she'll love it...