WHY is it impossible to sculpt Mark Hamill?

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Am i the only one seeing this guy in the 1/4th scale figure?
So they rejected this:

in favor of this:
? :slap :confused:
I'm not saying the hs on production pice is bad, it's ok, but Andy Bergholtz's version is fantastic. I'd rather have fantastic than ok.
I agree. i see ALOT more mark in the andy sculpt. But it looks more likeLuke from ROTJ, or even more recent Hammil, than him from ESB. he looks... older than he should.

Don't get me wrong, i wish to hell we had gotten the andy Sculpt instead, I'm just explaning WHY they chose it. I can see why, I just don't like the one they did pick as much as i like andy's.

I even Contacted Andy about commishoning a head from him based on the sideshow sculpt, But i could not afford it. That was when I learned how expensive Professional custom headsculpts can be. Gave me ALOT more respect for the sculptors, and the hobby as a whole.
Here it is painted, it does look a bit like an older Luke, but damn! It looks great! And No it's not mine! I wish it was!



I agree. i see ALOT more mark in the andy sculpt. But it looks more likeLuke from ROTJ, or even more recent Hammil, than him from ESB. he looks... older than he should.

Don't get me wrong, i wish to hell we had gotten the andy Sculpt instead, I'm just explaning WHY they chose it. I can see why, I just don't like the one they did pick as much as i like andy's.

I even Contacted Andy about commishoning a head from him based on the sideshow sculpt, But i could not afford it. That was when I learned how expensive Professional custom headsculpts can be. Gave me ALOT more respect for the sculptors, and the hobby as a whole.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying there, he does indeed look more RotJ than ESB but what's puzzling is how do they reject a perfect sculpt like that in favor of the inferior one? Fine, do a younger Mark Hamill but keep the same quality as the rejected sculpt.
I think the real problem is that there have been some many different Luke & Han sculpts produced since the first film. Most of the sculpts are not very serious attempts at sculpting an exact likeness.

Also, consider that with brand loyalty & blind following it is impossible to have any kind of unbiased discussion about headsculpts.

Here are a few good Luke sculpts:
Gentle Giant's ANH Luke bust
Hasbro's original Jedi Luke sculpt
SS 1:6 ANH Luke
Hasbro's Unleashed Jedi Luke

Keep in mind, factory paint is going to suck almost always. It just blows my mind how people are quick to trash so many great sculpts. I've heard people trashing the ANH GG Luke bust, which I own, repainted and I think it looks very nice. I also hear people trashing the Arnie Kim Indiana Jones sculpt which just totally blows my mind. It's even stylish now to hate the old old Frontline Harrison Ford sculpts. :google
I wouldn't trash the Arnie Kim HS, but it's certainly not the best Indy HS ever, and it's not even the fifth best Indy HS ever. Maybe the sixth.

As for the Andy sculpt, like his Christian Bale, to me it looks better unpainted. The jaw looks a little square. Still a fantastic sculpt - I just don't get the shock of recognition from it that I get from seeing other HS's.

like Trevor's sculpt of Luke, Andy's sculpt immediately looks better when you obscure part of his chin with your finger.
I don't think it's a matter of having to say Kim's Indy sculpt is the "best" or even saying it makes the top 5 of all time, it's just a good sculpt of Ford. I'm talking more about the people who say "That sculpt looks nothing like Ford." or the even more outrageous comments where they say "Nice **insert random obscure actor's name here** sculpt!"

People are entitled to their own opinions and people will see things differently from time to time, but some of the comments seem biased or outrageous at times.
I don't think it's a matter of having to say Kim's Indy sculpt is the "best" or even saying it makes the top 5 of all time, it's just a good sculpt of Ford. I'm talking more about the people who say "That sculpt looks nothing like Ford." or the even more outrageous comments where they say "Nice **insert random obscure actor's name here** sculpt!"

People are entitled to their own opinions and people will see things differently from time to time, but some of the comments seem biased or outrageous at times.

No one else's comments ever bother me. If I like something I like it, regardless of what other people think. Case in point - the Medicom Indy, which I think is okay, although 95% of people hate it. But I actually find some of the venomous abuse directed towards this figure quite funny. As long as people don't say about a figure 'anyone who buys this is a moron' then I think pretty much anything else is fair comment.

I do feel that maybe people tend to love or hate figures, whereas actually even the best figures usually have something wrong with them - and even the worst figures can have redeeming qualities sometimes (though not SSC Belloq!).
Medicom Indy is a great example.

There are going to be a few people who can name certain parts of the figure that they do not like and why, others are going to love it or hate it immediately because it's a Medicom figure.

Guess which people are in greater numbers these days?
I'm quite happy with the SSC Jedi, Bespin, and Tatooine Luke. The Yavin celebration on the other hand looks terrible.
I can accept people not liking the choice of the ROTJ sculpt but it is the best likeness there is.