Why no Terminator 3 ?

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I grew up on terminator but was way to young to remember the original 2. I was 17 when the 3rd one came out and enjoyed it simply b/c of the fact that it was an opportunity to see a new Terminator in theaters. I saw it multiple times b/c Arnold is the ____ in those movies even if he was a bit to old. I will say this comparing terminator 3 to the first 2 and saying it is even almost on par with them is laughable. The movie wasn't bad necessarily but it also wasn't that good either (killing Sarah Connor off screen was unacceptable in my book). I think EB and HT are wise to stay away from this film based on two reasons; A) the movie was OK at best and, B) There really isn't many awesome collectibles to be made that were exclusive to this movie.
Terminator 3 felt like a made for TV movie..it didnt have that blockbuster feel to it..but I am happy ssc made a terminator X lifesize bust..its a cool piece and goes well along side T-800 bust.
Terminator 3 had some good ideas, but was inconsistent in tone. It's just a shame it stuck with the 'chase' formula from the first two, when the third act of the movie inside Cyberdyne was pretty cool I thought. But I rate T3 way in front of Salvation. I mean, in that movie Bale jumps into a dark, turbulent freezing ocean from a plane...to get inside a submarine.
Why no T3?

Coz that movie sucked ballbags. Any fig that came out would be tainted e.g. 'Mmmm it looks cool but it's from T3...do not want.' Same goes for Salvation IMO - I can't believe people snapped up those John Connors HT put out, that movie was lame.

Terminator is James Cameron is Terminator.
I thought TS was great...no joke. It was EPIC and fresh but that's my opinion. T3 was lame with a couple good things, TX was cool but it was tv movie -like in alot of scenes.
Some interesting answers.

I guess I always viewed T2 as a silly cheesy version of T1 anyway ....not that I don't like it but it is ridiculous.
The souless killing machine is reprogrammed and learns to love and be a father ....awwwwww ....all while blending in by wearing leather pants......

Terminator 3 just made the silliness even more obvious ...like him getting his black leather superhero costume from a male stripper and adding in even worse dialouge ('hasta la vista' becoming 'talk to the hand')

I think the aging and wrinkles clearly visible on Arnie in T3 would make the face sculpt really interesting but to each their own.

For the future of the franchise,
I'm still hoping a T5 (or T4 if we ignore Salvation) will feature modern old Arnie playing a human vs a CGI version of his T1 self.
Would love some HT figures from this EXTRAORDINARY movie that is by far the BEST IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE!!!

:panic: Go Terminator 3!!!! :panic:
Would love some HT figures from this EXTRAORDINARY movie that is by far the BEST IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE!
For the future of the franchise,
I'm still hoping a T5 (or T4 if we ignore Salvation) will feature modern old Arnie playing a human vs a CGI version of his T1 self.

Would love to see them release another Terminator movie and call it T4.

Oh, the chaos that would ensue. :panic::panic::panic:
The only thing good about T3 was that SWS worked on it. Easily the worst of the 4 imo.
the acting and overall story line of T3 was lame. T4 brought a lot of new stuff to the table.
Sure T-4 failed in alot of ways and was pretty bad overall, but to its credit it had a few good ideas sprinkled in among the crap.

-The T-600 fight was pretty awesome.
-The idea of a climax in a Terminator factory was cool (even if the end result was lame).
-The filmakers actually used anamatronic robots whenever they could instead of CGI.
-The "human extermination camp" was almost exactly how I pictured it in my mind when I first saw T-1.

On the other hand, T3 just fell flat with everything it did. Nothing at all stood out other than the admittedly cool last scene. It was just generic crap.
Salvation hadn't come out when they started work on figures for it. They didn't know it would suck. T-3 came out nine years ago, so Hot Toys already knows it blows.

Both AVP films blow, that didn't stop them.