Well, if they called it a part 3, then they don't know what the heck they are selling, cause that is totally part 4, and nothing else. That shirt is not lighter than part 4. The skin is dark like in part 4. And Jason was dead at the end of part 3 with an ax in his friggin' head. The only time you see J at the end of 3 after the ax hit is in a nightmare sequence, and he has no ax or machette or mask. Other than that, he never left the barn.
You are talking to a Jason expert here. I could teach a college film class just on my knowledge of Terminator and Friday the 13th. Look at my avatar for Pete's sake. I know what I'm talking about.
I don't care what they labelled it, this is a part 4 version of Jason.
You are talking to a Jason expert here. I could teach a college film class just on my knowledge of Terminator and Friday the 13th. Look at my avatar for Pete's sake. I know what I'm talking about.
I don't care what they labelled it, this is a part 4 version of Jason.