The funny part is if you kill their dog you get arrested for killing an officer....

The funny part is if you kill their dog you get arrested for killing an officer....
MESOSCALETrespassing police officers could be shot . They need to keep that in mind and get approval before entering private property. An animal living on its owners property should feel safe as that it their home, not somewhere that a police officer owns or has any right to be w/ o dire circumstances . The cop could have asked permission .
Trespassing cops have been shot, and in some cases the shootings were ruled justified self-defense. Warrants aren’t just required to protect citizens from cops. They also protect cops from citizens. You bust into someone’s property with a gun and you risk being perforated.
Well, i just hate cops and dogs.
From another site...
Something else to consider, the "missing" toddler was 3 yrs old. What made the officer believe a 3 yr old could scale that yards fence or work the latch on the yard door.
You're making assumptions that the child may have just wandered off.
Well if he thought she was kidnapped why not start kicking in doors while he's at it, he was already on the property?
Its all for the greater good of finding the girl right?
Yep, I think this is most likely the case.It's always been there. You just had to be the right kind of person to know about it.
More people now. More incidents. More press. Hard to say if it's any worse per capita.
Hear, hear. It's pretty obvious that for some posting here, the circumstances don't really matter. Quite a few seem obviously predisposed to dislike officers and want to assume the worst about them. Spartan Rex*, maybe I'm mis-reading your posts, but are you trying to make a case that the owner of this dog would've had the right (supposing he'd been at home when the cop entered the backyard) to shoot and kill the officer for trespassing?...Again, **** happens. Sad. But true.
I don't really give a damn that this cop was a hero on another case. You shot and killed my dog and now I'm going to make sure you suffer as well. That means lawsuits and you becoming at best a security guard at a mall.
Totally different circumstance. If a bad guy is hopping back yards the officer can follow them. They can't enter your house unless there is an outward indication that the bad guy could be there (ie broken window or an open door).
Now in this situation, if the search measures themselves had been escalated, then they police can enter your home - with or without your permission. If they see anything like drugs they can't arrest you for that and if they tried the evidence wouldn't be admitted.
Again, **** happens. Sad. But true.
Well you, and Kendell, would tie up the legal system with a frivolous lawsuit neither of you would win.
Lol, so in your mind, Josh, there is no possible reasonable explanation aside from the fact the cop is a psycho?
I don't really give a damn that this cop was a hero on another case. You shot and killed my dog and now I'm going to make sure you suffer as well. That means lawsuits and you becoming at best a security guard at a mall.