Why the HOT TOYS don´t sell out anymore?

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Why the HOT TOYS don´t sell out anymore?

  • HOT TOYS produce much more pieces than before.

    Votes: 190 60.7%
  • The Collectors are less interested to this product.

    Votes: 10 3.2%
  • BOTH of the above.

    Votes: 113 36.1%

  • Total voters
I get that. But the edition sizes are increasing as are the number of licenses they're snatching up. That takes money and doesn't happen with a company that's struggling to find customers at the level of which they're increasing their pricepoints.

They aren't making the money that you think they are, they snatch up the license to keep other companies from snatching up those very licenses....(which in my opinion is a good business move as long as it doesn't get you in financial trouble) there is no doubt in anyone mind that Hot Toys is not the number one maker of 1/6 figure. I hate their prices, but I know 90% of the time if you want a figure done right, you want Hot Toys to make it. Most of us are people of modest to lower income...a lot of us can't afford to buy five to six 200+ figures....so again we could debate this subject until you know what freezes over, but I still believe prices are the number reason Hot Toys don't sell out anymore. If they were still price between 140-150 I would buy at least six a year. You are free to believe what you want.....doesn't make you right, doesn't make you wrong what we are writing are just opinions....
Because I don't buy anymore hot toys. I'm trying to sell most of my collection now. I used to buy every figure. I'm waiting on hulk and I'm done. I'm just kidding. I'll buy what. I really want from now on. Price is another issue.
I used to buy certain figures based on looks alone, if it looked cool i'd get it (Snake Eyes), but now with the prices so high i have to be invested in the franchise/character history or have LOVED the movie to consider a figure. And since nearly all of their figures are the same characters and franchises done continuosly, i've got little interest in what they're choosing to put out.

They aren't making the money that you think they are, they snatch up the license to keep other companies from snatching up those very licenses....(which in my opinion is a good business move as long as it doesn't get you in financial trouble)

Good for them, lousy for fans of those licenses, since most of the time they don't use them fully or at all. it'd be better for the fans if other companies got those licenses and used them.
Good for them, lousy for fans of those licenses, since most of the time they don't use them fully or at all. it'd be better for the fans if other companies got those licenses and used them.

Kind of like what Sony did to Spiderman fans. :monkey2
They aren't making the money that you think they are, they snatch up the license to keep other companies from snatching up those very licenses....(which in my opinion is a good business move as long as it doesn't get you in financial trouble)

Uh, wut? If you buy a license just to stop someone else having it, yet you do nothing with it, you've just pissed that money down the drain.

If that's what they were doing (and I suspect it isn't), what a boneheaded move!
Uh, wut? If you buy a license just to stop someone else having it, yet you do nothing with it, you've just pissed that money down the drain.

If that's what they were doing (and I suspect it isn't), what a boneheaded move!

Maybe, maybe not. If the cost of getting the license is less then the cost of having to compete against another company and risk loosing sales and market share to that competitor, then it may be a very good strategic move.
Maybe, maybe not. If the cost of getting the license is less then the cost of having to compete against another company and risk loosing sales and market share to that competitor, then it may be a very good strategic move.

No, not in the long term. All you end up doing is dropping all your capital into purchases that provide you with literally ZERO income, and these licenses aren't cheap, even for relatively unsuccessful movies like the Expendables! I'll still say adamantly, they're not just buying them and doing nothing with them. I just can't see it. Investors would be screaming blue murder, and it's just a recipe for bankruptcy.

Besides, I'm reasonably confident it's not what they're doing. Look at HT and Enterbay competing on the 1/4 stage, and if they were so gung ho on this plan, I can't see them not throwing money at the 1/4 licenses as well. I'm going to bet it's more likely they're biting off more than they can chew.

Maybe you are right though, and they're following a modified version of this strategy, which is to buy the licence, issue enough dolls to just pay for it (which would explain why Expendables and the Sucker Punch line stopped dead), and then just sit on the license until it's no longer a hot property and it expires.
That would make no sense whatsoever. Breaking even so that a competitor can't produce is a waste of time and resources.

Or, who knows? Maybe Hot Toys wants to be a labor union when it grows up. :dunno
They aren't making the money that you think they are, they snatch up the license to keep other companies from snatching up those very licenses....(which in my opinion is a good business move as long as it doesn't get you in financial trouble) there is no doubt in anyone mind that Hot Toys is not the number one maker of 1/6 figure. I hate their prices, but I know 90% of the time if you want a figure done right, you want Hot Toys to make it. Most of us are people of modest to lower income...a lot of us can't afford to buy five to six 200+ figures....so again we could debate this subject until you know what freezes over, but I still believe prices are the number reason Hot Toys don't sell out anymore. If they were still price between 140-150 I would buy at least six a year. You are free to believe what you want.....doesn't make you right, doesn't make you wrong what we are writing are just opinions....
I'm going to go with this. I have not bought 1 Hot Toys figure since Ghost Rider which was the last figure I bought which I thought the box set warranted the cost. There are a lot of figures that have come out since then that I would love to have but not at the cost they want. They may not miss the money I'm not spending but there are a lot more people complaining and they are at a tipping point. I believe once prices creep up a bit more Hot Toys will see a pretty significant drop in sales. A lot of collecters have had enough.
Popularity is another reason. HT may be talked about nonstop on this forum, but there are many hardcore collectors who never even heard of hot toys.

I have a friend who has a 100k transformer collection, been collecting for the past 10 years...and now just heard of hot toys (and bought 20 since he heard about them).

If you ever watch the Comic Con Movie or hobbyist documentaries, hot toys were not mentioned in any of them. When was the last time anyone saw a Hot Toys comercial or heard about them on the radio..or even an ad on the internet?

So what makes you guys think HT is really mainstream?

Just think of it this way. If let say 50% of the disney fanatics who collects Disney EVERYTHING..saw the Jack sparrow hot toys figure..the figure would of been sold out in under 10 mins. We can say the same about all the starwars fanatics who spends 1500 on a lightsaber..would buy the DX Luke in a heart beat.

Yes the edition size is "large" but only relatively compared to their customer base which is tiny..remember their only advertisement is word of mouth and youtube/website reviews/facebook.
Due to HT prices I must be very smart and careful in my selections. The "that is a cool looking figure (i.e.. Barney Ross, Avitar, DX14 even Noland" will never be purchased because that money must be saved for when a iconic $300 figure is released (DX13). I even sold my Tracker Predator to gain funds.
Because they make **** like this.
