Will/Should Hot Toys Expand into 1:12 Scale?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 22, 2006
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With Hot Toys teasing a "major announcement" in 2019, there's been speculation that it could be 1:12 scale. Given the time, money, and space investment I have in 1:6, my initial reaction was "Are you friggin' kidding me? #&$% No!!!" That said, the more I've thought about it, the more I can see the appeal of 1:12 scale, especially for diorama scene building--smaller, less expensive figures, vehicles, and environments. Sure there are already companies producing 1:12 figures, but if any company can revolutionize and "super energize" the scale it's Hot Toys. Such a move would no doubt create ripples across the industry as well as attract collectors who don't own, and have never considered, a single 1:12 figure.
If HT is indeed planning to expand into 1:12, here's what would get my attention:
* Announce Major Licenses such as Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Predator, Terminator, Aliens, etc.
* Sneak at least five (preferably 10+) characters per line with a 2019-2020 release schedule
* Price typical figure at $100-$110 (larger figures and DXs would of course be more)
* Show high resolution comparison photos of prototype 1:12 figures beside 1:6 figures (portraits, bodies, outfits, articulation, accessories)
* Show off some 1:12 vehicles, special figures and/or environments (X-Wing Fighter, Hulkbuster, '66 Batmobile, Alien Queen)

While I'd continue to collect 1:6, I'd probably shift focus and only buy main characters in 1:6 for more museum style display (beauty and detail) and everything else in 1:12 for diorama style display (action posing, team lineup, and/or scene recreation). I'm sure HT will have factored in some cannibalization, but that would easily be offset by increased sales.

I would imagine that other producers would quickly scramble to secure their top licenses (Ghostbusters/Blitzway, LotR/Asmus, GoT/Threezero, Star Trek/QmX) unless HT has already beat them to it. Smaller producers and other parts of the industry would also follow suit (Phicen bodies, environments, accessories, special display bases, etc.).

The reality is 1:6 pricing has gotten out of hand in the last few years, with even the average HT figure closing in on $250. On top of that, more ambitious displays can be space eaters. For example, I've been hoping someone produces a bridge display for QmX's TOS line, but a 1:12 scale would be more doable and only require 1/4 the space. Similarly, this applies to things like Jabba's Palace, Iron Man's Hall of Armor, and the Batcave.

So my "#&$% No!!!" has pretty much done a 180. Will just have to see what happens.
It actually sounds plausible come to think of it. It's right up Hot Toys street to try to kill off all competition - your Mafex, your Figmas, your HIYA toys and your Great Twins.

But don't all these other companies hold all the licenses Hot Toys would want for the scale?
I don't think there's any way they're going to do 1/12 scale. I think it'd be such a waste of resources to do the same stuff that other companies have hit over and over while their 1/6 stuff is SW/Marvel/DC with a handful of other release per year. They're the only game in town in 1/6 scale for their licenses (a handfull of SSC SW releases aside); why move to a scale where you have actual competition? 1/12 scale is hard to look good, people said in other threads; superheroes look good usually b/c they wear skin tight clothes. You just can't tailor 1/12 that well, the materials can't do it. They're better than they used to be but I still think a lot of them look like kids wearing their dad's clothes.
With Hot Toys teasing a "major announcement" in 2019, there's been speculation that it could be 1:12 scale. Given the time, money, and space investment I have in 1:6, my initial reaction was "Are you friggin' kidding me? #&$% No!!!" That said, the more I've thought about it, the more I can see the appeal of 1:12 scale, especially for diorama scene building--smaller, less expensive figures, vehicles, and environments. Sure there are already companies producing 1:12 figures, but if any company can revolutionize and "super energize" the scale it's Hot Toys. Such a move would no doubt create ripples across the industry as well as attract collectors who don't own, and have never considered, a single 1:12 figure.
If HT is indeed planning to expand into 1:12, here's what would get my attention:
* Announce Major Licenses such as Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Predator, Terminator, Aliens, etc.
* Sneak at least five (preferably 10+) characters per line with a 2019-2020 release schedule
* Price typical figure at $100-$110 (larger figures and DXs would of course be more)
* Show high resolution comparison photos of prototype 1:12 figures beside 1:6 figures (portraits, bodies, outfits, articulation, accessories)
* Show off some 1:12 vehicles, special figures and/or environments (X-Wing Fighter, Hulkbuster, '66 Batmobile, Alien Queen)

While I'd continue to collect 1:6, I'd probably shift focus and only buy main characters in 1:6 for more museum style display (beauty and detail) and everything else in 1:12 for diorama style display (action posing, team lineup, and/or scene recreation). I'm sure HT will have factored in some cannibalization, but that would easily be offset by increased sales.

I would imagine that other producers would quickly scramble to secure their top licenses (Ghostbusters/Blitzway, LotR/Asmus, GoT/Threezero, Star Trek/QmX) unless HT has already beat them to it. Smaller producers and other parts of the industry would also follow suit (Phicen bodies, environments, accessories, special display bases, etc.).

The reality is 1:6 pricing has gotten out of hand in the last few years, with even the average HT figure closing in on $250. On top of that, more ambitious displays can be space eaters. For example, I've been hoping someone produces a bridge display for QmX's TOS line, but a 1:12 scale would be more doable and only require 1/4 the space. Similarly, this applies to things like Jabba's Palace, Iron Man's Hall of Armor, and the Batcave.

So my "#&$% No!!!" has pretty much done a 180. Will just have to see what happens.


Their 1/12 figures have been ugly.

I could see them doing 1/12 vehicles that are simply too large to be made in 1/6 scale (an ‘89 Batwing, Tie Fighters, X-Wing, etc.) with accompaning pilot/driver figures but they actually planned on doing that years ago with that Bat and the Hellicarrier and the line seemed DOA after the Bat.

I’ve approached the low end Star Wars toys with this mentality. I’ve liquidated most of the small 3 3/4 figures and upgraded them to their 6” versions, but have kept the 3 3/4 scale vehicles. It makes sense. The whole reason Kenner chose the pocket scale they did back in the 70s was so the figures could fit the vehicles and playsets because 1/6 versions would be ridiculous.
For me the operative word is "revolutionize." Up until this point I haven't had any interest in 1:12 whatsoever (I had to look up Mezco). I don't expect 1:12 to look as good as 1:6, as you are talking about a smaller canvas to work with. Tailoring and materials are also a concern. However, HT would no doubt bring leading edge technology and artisanship. 3D printing and manufacturing technology has improved in leaps and bounds over the past few years. The amount of detailing is pretty amazing. I'm sure HT would be able to significantly improve on the Batman and Catwoman figures from almost a decade ago. As for tailoring, they may be looking at mixed materials or other techniques vs. traditional cut and sew. Compare some of the earlier HT releases with what they can do these days. While I know collectors would hem and haw about siphoning off resources that could be put to more 1:6 figures, which was my initial reaction, the reality is HT would probably initially expand resources to develop the lines and then balance based on ROI. I also highly doubt they would enter the market with a $150+ price point, because most collectors would just pay the extra for 1/6. Although I would not be surprised by $110-$120 if the rest of the industry is sitting around $80-$90, provided they are really showing something revolutionary. Regardless of what any of us think in terms of our own preferences, the bottom line will come down to the market. I hear folks complaining that they are pricing themselves out, but they still dominate the 1:6 market. If they think there's a future in 1:12 and they can make bucketloads of cash, they will do so. Of course they could end up shocking everyone and announcing 1:9 or 1:10 scale. But again, when I think about expanding the line to include vehicles, environments, and creatures like Alien Queen or even Dragons, 1:12 probably makes the most sense.
The problem that I see is the detailing from prot to production is an even bigger drop than 1/6, and that greedy pig would probably still charge $150 or higher because it says Hot Toys on the box. Waste of time and money to get into 1/12 so they can quadruple dip into the same characters when they should/could focus on different licenses instead.
I'd be interested, but if they're gonna charge more than the current leaders (Figuarts, MAFEX) in the game or do soft goods, like on those ugly mezco figures, it's gonna be a no from me, dog.
Mild rant:

NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead

There are plenty of other companies that produce fantastic 1/12 figures, and they [those companies] have potential to improve. I'd expect HT to keep improving their 1/6 figures, instead of diverting into another scale. I'd like for them to focus their efforts on their 1/6 and 1/4 lines.
Just think, it would mean they could release the 100 or so 1/6 Iron Man figures in half the scale. Woooo.
Sorry to double post this but...

Here is a link to Monkey Depots 1/12 scale section. These are not Mezco bulky out of scale figures, and most are $100 dollars or less. https://www.monkeydepot.com/category_s/294.htm

Here are a few examples of what caught my eye

View attachment 438906View attachment 438911View attachment 438912View attachment 438913

Those are good looking figures, $100 each and also unlicensed on top of it. You can kitbash an unlicensed 1/6 war figure for not too much more, I don't think so for the samurai goes I guess. So licensing a figure like that will bring up the cost a bunch.

HT is releasing 1/6 Stormtroopers for under $200; are they going to make a 1/12 Luke for $150? If they did it I think it'd be a failed effort honestly.
No they shant.....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
If 1/12 scale Hot Toys figures start at $100 people are gonna be priced out of the scale really quick. Especially if prices rise every year for no particular reason like their 1/6 stuff does.

I'm getting some likenesses that are stronger than what Hot Toys puts out for $60 from Figuarts.