Alright, at long last here is my Leela custom. Wow, this one took forever to finish. You'd think it was pretty straight forward. One Leela head I commissioned from Ada earlier in the year plus one fantasticly detailed costume from Vikki--- bada-bing! Done. But alas, fate is not kind and it wasn't that simple.
Although the Ada head was commissioned to fit a Cygirl body, it doesn't. Leela's sculpted hair must have moved when Ada removed it from the doll she sculpted it on because the position of the hair actually prevents the head from reaching the neck stem. Once you shave the ends of the hair down so it can reach the neck, you realize the head sits far too high on the neck and leaving it that way would make Leela look giraffe-necked.
I decided the best course of action was to just shave her neck down a bit (better than shaving the hair and risk ruining the heads look). I think it helped tremendously. I put Leela on a hispanic BBI body because I wanted her kinda tan, it was only $15.95 and I was very happy when it arrived to learn it also came with an alternate flat chest to replace the large bossum chest plate that came attatched to it, since the flat chest would be way more accurate.
I Apoxied the small gap between the head and the neck to make it look seamless. The discoloration you see by her neck is me not having found a color to match the dolls body yet as I tried to paint the Apoxie flesh color.
I made the crossbow arrow quiver and knife sheath out of craft foam and painted it. Her costumes Janus Thorn pouch came from a GI Joe in my junk bin.
I broke the f@@k out of my Predator taking the pics here, because he fell over right on his face and a tooth broke off, as did his cool-ass tooth bead.

I am NOT a happy camper right now.
Ada's Leela sculpt is actually pretty nice otherwise, particularly once painted up in that 70's way Louise Jameson make-up was in character, which was pretty distinctive.
VikkiTx did another incredible job sewing up and detailing Leela's costume. I've always drooled over her Leela outfit/custom on her site for years so I am giddy finally having one. She did a terrific job painting the loincloth before she sewed it making it just the right color.
I kinda want to dirty up the boots but I am waaaaay to much of a sissy and am afraid of accidentally ruining them so I'm leaving them alone.