My replacement came broken. I'm not surprised. Now I have to figure out which one I should fix and keep.
This one sucks cause the scabbards or whatever they're called came broken in two places on one of them. Way less damage over all on the replacement, still a lot, but my fix might be slightly noticable if I decide to fix this one due to the smooth surface of the scabbard.
My first one came trashed but all in the back of the piece.
I don't know which one to fix.
Sorry to hear about the replacement.
Twilight Witch-king Ex. #5 is in de house.
A lovely looking piece and goes great with its Ringwraith counterpart.
Slight damage in transit - but an easy fix - so no big deal.
Sorry to see that man! I'm glad it's an easy fix, but at $275 a pop the collector shouldn't be responsible for "finishing" a statue or in Fremen's case - deciding which statue is less damaged to fix.
I have a feeling SS is going to not want to ship out more of these then they absolutely have to. I think this guy may end up being pretty rare.

I should be getting mine by the end of next week, so we'll see what happens.