I hope this gets better. The combat is really damn stiff.
I hope this gets better. The combat is really damn stiff.
I'm having a hard time getting into this. I don't care much for the controls and the voice acting...especially Geralt....it's so monotone. I'm still in Chapter 1 so I will give it a bit more time...but I do hope it gets better. The story does seem interesting and the visuals are nice....I just can't get over the bland acting.
That is how Geralt is though. He was like that in the books, and was like that in Witcher 1. It's not bad voice acting if it's his personality.
An unemotional and bland personality, I guess is what he has.I'm just spoiled by games like Mass Effect that to me had amazing VO work. His "personality" makes it difficult for me to really even care about anything he is doing.
Oh well...different strokes for different folks, as they say. I know a lot of people have been really looking forward to this game - and I hope they are all enjoying it. I think I may switch to Kingdoms of Amalur that is still unopened. I really just don't know if I can finish Witcher...I'm just bored to tears to with it.
TBH, I dont think Shepard had that big a personality. The main character in these kinds of games are often stoic and or flat IMO
TBH, I dont think Shepard had that big a personality. The main character in these kinds of games are often stoic and or flat IMO
Really? Interesting. Obviously we feel very differently about these games. Now, I always played as the female Sheperd and I thought the actress who did her voice was amazing and did a great job of expressing different emotions.
One thing that is bugging me. Quest markers. A lot of them dont have one. Not a big deal sometimes, but I spent 30 minutes today trying to find a guy so I could turn a quest in. That's lame. There's other examples where I wasted a good amount of time trying to find something that a marker would've solved lickity split. Maybe I'm spoiled, but when I play, I dont want to waste time trying to figure out where the quest is....or where the turn in is.
An unemotional and bland personality, I guess is what he has.I'm just spoiled by games like Mass Effect that to me had amazing VO work. His "personality" makes it difficult for me to really even care about anything he is doing.
Oh well...different strokes for different folks, as they say. I know a lot of people have been really looking forward to this game - and I hope they are all enjoying it. I think I may switch to Kingdoms of Amalur that is still unopened. I really just don't know if I can finish Witcher...I'm just bored to tears to with it.