Wolf Man (2025)

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I may be in the minority but van hellsing has probably the best werewolf design I’ve seen.
I may be in the minority but van hellsing has probably the best werewolf design I’ve seen.
I think you are. I just watched a few clips from that movie and found those werewolves to be very generic and "cartoony" looking (The absolutely horrible CGI did not do them any favors either. Good Lord what an eyesore!...). Even in the original concept sketches they come across more like roided-up wrestlers/superheroes than actual wolves i.m.o...
An attempt to rank my personal favorite werewolf designs would probably end up looking something like this:

#1 - Dog Soldiers
#2 - Werewolf TV-show (Skorzeny wolf)
#3 - Underworld (Lycans)
#4 - Bram Stoker's Dracula
#5 - An American Werewolf In London
#6 - The Wolfman 2010

NB - The main reason AWIL scores fairly low for me is the fact it's not a bipedal design. I've also left out the undeniable classic "The Howling", for the simple fact I've never been a big fan of the movie as a whole (Rob Bottin is a true monster master though...)