Super Freak
Not bad Matt!
Shame it wasn't YOU doing Sadshow's art direction.
Thank you mate. Maybe the P2 will happen one day. Interesting you say that, the reason I was speaking with Dave is that he asked me and two other forum members to get (slightly) involved with their Predator maquette. This was after we bitched so much about the P2 so you have to give him a little credit for that. He could have just called us whiny dicks and blocked us, but instead he choose to bring us in and get us involved a little which I was thankful for even though it didn't quite work out ultimately. I happily obliged and offered as much info and personal opinions as possible and all was going well. Sadly it went a little quiet during the actual execution as Sideshow were going through certain changes at the time. And you know how that statue turned out in the end. The basics of what we discussed were somewhat there, but it wasn't what we'd all hoped for. He did actually bring me in on the Space Jockey also and to their credit, they actually acted on my feedback and improved the head sculpt quite a lot. I'd love to show you the before and after pictures, but I can't share any of it. I know you dislike him, but he seemed genuinely excited and interested about these projects. I think he's just a small cog in and over inflated clock at that place sadly so was very limited by what could actually be done. I found him to be a decent and likeable guy, although I haven't spoken to him in years so I'm not sure he even works with Sideshow any longer? One thing I really tried pushing for was for the EX item to be the original "Gort" bio mask. But I was outvoted by the others who wanted a skull in his hand (How original) Happily Prime 1 came through eventually
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