Statue Wolf Predator Legendary Scale Bust

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I hope the extra money gets used to fund Matt's Wife's handbags.


Unfortunately I am in the crowd throwing money at this... Not receiving any of the profits, if it even sells enough units to make any. My GF certainly doesn't need any more, scarfs and handbags everywhere.... And yet when I add a $1200 life size Predator head, I'm somehow obsessed. :lol

What are you thinking all that extra money is gonna make it turn out better? haha....

Has anybody said this? I don't think we're expecting that at all. I seem to recall most of us that did order, did so to use up reward points etc so I doubt many people are paying the full asking price for this. I expect the quality to be the same as the rest, so I expect a passable paint app, with some of the dreads glued in dodgy positions tbh. No more, no less, say what you will of that, I don't intend to buy any more at this kind of price bracket.
To be fair, I think the Masked Hunter came out pretty fantastic with minimal issues. Mine was perfect, I know that. I think if this was $500 it would certainly be a much more attractive, justifiable price, but to ask almost $300 more than the Masked Hunter bust is a little ridiculous because you really can't justify that. I'd rather they just sell the bust unpainted at $300 and then get a custom paint job for it for $300-400.
I said a name plate would sweeten the deal, but the more I look at this, the more I can't help to think how cool his twin plasma casters would have looked. Just anything to lessen the head scratching price.
As a small business owner, I still have a feeling they were trying to offset the losses from the elder LSB cancelation and the numerous refunds/replacements of the Big Chap LSB.

I'm sure they invested a lot of cash and man hours in those two. Regardless of why they did it, that type of misstep takes a financial toll on a business. Hearing that XM now has new Alien/Pred licenses probably isn't helping matters. Many brands come and go in this hobby and I think SS is just trying to stay alive. That doesn't make the price any less outrageous, just provides possible motivation.

I'm really hoping it lives up to the price-tag.
As a small business owner, I still have a feeling they were trying to offset the losses from the elder LSB cancelation and the numerous refunds/replacements of the Big Chap LSB.

I'm sure they invested a lot of cash and man hours in those two. Regardless of why they did it, that type of misstep takes a financial toll on a business. Hearing that XM now has new Alien/Pred licenses probably isn't helping matters. Many brands come and go in this hobby and I think SS is just trying to stay alive. That doesn't make the price any less outrageous, just provides possible motivation.

I'm really hoping it lives up to the price-tag.
:lecture Good point.
Expecting the customer to pay more for being disappointed and let down by cancellations and outright shoddy q.c?
Surely not...

As a small business owner, I still have a feeling they were trying to offset the losses from the elder LSB cancelation and the numerous refunds/replacements of the Big Chap LSB.

I'm sure they invested a lot of cash and man hours in those two. Regardless of why they did it, that type of misstep takes a financial toll on a business.
SS isn't a small business, they should have enough reserves to cover their duds.

Also it certainly doesn't feel like they spent a lot of money on the big chap LSB :p
I'll be pissed if they cancel this one, especially after they cancelled the Elder Predator bust. I'm sure the price is killing preorders, but they had to know that when they decided to jack up the price almost double the other busts.

as a pred lsb collector I will also be pissed if this goes the same way as the elder, I was so looking forward to that elder piece, if they do I think it will be the death of the line, if not already
And with so call 'Asian Edition'...

Is this still made up or did something actually materialise?

I doubt they genuinely expected this to sell out quickly at the price they put on it. But they are good at marketing, giving off that confidence, along side promos such as the special early invitation to order (that everybody received) Does generate orders I'm sure. It's all assumption of course, but if this one does go south like the Elder, you'd imagine even the bean counters will know it is entirely due to the insane price. The actual bust is incredible as we all seem to agree. It would probably have sold out in a week if it had been priced like the last one. Plus, the ES isn't low really, it just seems it relative to what we have become accustomed to.

Since they are still pushing this with emails & the NEW video, my (likely TOTALLY inaccurate) conclusion/predictions:

  1. They have way more of these left to sell than they are happy with.
  2. It MAY be cancelled.
  3. If not cancelled, I doubt it will sell out until delivery date.
  4. If not sold out at delivery date, sales will only pick up IF in-hand quality is great OR if they offer a 20% discount (per the P2 1/4 maquette).

Of course, the P1 1/4 maquette announcement, along with "other companies" entering the fray will also affect sales :)

Is this still made up or did something actually materialise?

I doubt they genuinely expected this to sell out quickly at the price they put on it. But they are good at marketing, giving off that confidence, along side promos such as the special early invitation to order (that everybody received) Does generate orders I'm sure. It's all assumption of course, but if this one does go south like the Elder, you'd imagine even the bean counters will know it is entirely due to the insane price. The actual bust is incredible as we all seem to agree. It would probably have sold out in a week if it had been priced like the last one. Plus, the ES isn't low really, it just seems it relative to what we have become accustomed to.

Well 750 is a low ES for Sideshow but they'll easily make up for that selling an 'Asian Edition' if there's any truth to that ever existing.
Well 750 is a low ES for Sideshow but they'll easily make up for that selling an 'Asian Edition' if there's any truth to that ever existing.

Unlike the American version that has testicles on the base, the other editions that have been talked about swap things up as follows:
  1. Asian edition: Pork dumplings.
  2. English edition: F aggots (no peas though).
  3. French edition: Snail shells.
  4. Scottish edition: Haggis.
  5. Mexican edition: Avocados.
  6. Spanish edition: Prawns.
  7. Italian edition: Olives.
  8. Canadian edition: Hockey sticks (they have hockey with EVERYTHING).

Probably "Asian edition" is, in fact, a big cut (like, 200 out of 750) to Asian's market?
Is this still made up or did something actually materialise?

I doubt they genuinely expected this to sell out quickly at the price they put on it. But they are good at marketing, giving off that confidence, along side promos such as the special early invitation to order (that everybody received) Does generate orders I'm sure. It's all assumption of course, but if this one does go south like the Elder, you'd imagine even the bean counters will know it is entirely due to the insane price. The actual bust is incredible as we all seem to agree. It would probably have sold out in a week if it had been priced like the last one. Plus, the ES isn't low really, it just seems it relative to what we have become accustomed to.

Could just be a whole bunch of recasts...
I see the 'Limited' offer of free (US) shipping turned into a permanent one and they still can't shift them :lol

Do free International shipping with 20% off and I may be tempted to take one off your hands :)