Super Freak
This, but don't expect it to be as dynamic or as detailed unless it cost $2200 or more to begin with. Prime 1's will have static museum pose no doubt and XM is... XM (they took TOO MUCH artistic liberties). Maybe the best is to wait and see what if new bloods out there could outdone this statue, but that'll still be not as authentic (minus that leg netting, of course). Same as New Jungle Hunter VS SWS because this one was was done by sculptors from ADI themselves.
I wouldn't be so sure about the Prime 1 version being a strict museum pose. I'd certainly wait and see at this point given how much money people are asking for the LSF. XM never went for accuracy in fairness, they're doing their own thing and they brought in arguably the most talented guy in the business to do it (Narin) As much as I love this LSF, and really want one, waiting is the sensible thing to do at this point unless you find one for a sensible price. And even though ADI sculpted the LSF (and did an awesome job!!) it does have a few oddities that Prime 1 could try to improve on such as the misshaped bio, leg netting and several fused dreads etc. At the very least I'd say wait and see how their P2 turns out. If it blows our socks off, their Wolf probably will also...