Got it.
Cancelled my po with bbts and went strait to ss website to get it there.
You get reward points buying direct anyway
Got it.
Cancelled my po with bbts and went strait to ss website to get it there.
I bet the exclusive is going to sell out in the next couple weeks.
Annnnd P-O'd!
It will probably go to waitlist but if you jump on the list it may convert when time to ship
This is getting further and further from the truth
Please elaborate?
Not every waitlist converts. There's no guarantee, it's not worth gambling over...there's no point in waiting for a wing and a prayer or paying the NRD. it's still the same price
Not every waitlist converts. There's no guarantee, it's not worth gambling over...there's no point in waiting for a wing and a prayer or paying the NRD. it's still the same price
Sure there is a point. You get to see the final product before confirming your order. Take the new Dr. Doom PF for example. I'm still on the fence with that statue so I've been using the waitlist. I submitted my last waitlist about 3-4 days ago. It will turn into an order tomorrow.
I believe it will apply to brown Wolverine as well due to the high ES (1500) and high cost (more expensive than the Spider-Man PF!). It won't ship until after SDCC 2016 where plenty of people will cancel due to the long wait and the reveal of new statues.
I like this brown Wolverine quite a lot and I'm waiting to see if it'll be eligible for a $20 off code later on.
I understand. There's no need to rush it with this piece. I'm still on the fence because of a few issues I have with it. Because of those issues, I'm not in a rush to PO. I'm going to let this one play out for awhile myself.
I'm going to laugh when this sells out