Wonder Woman 1984 - June 5, 2020

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Movies don't make that kinda money any more, nobody is going to the cinema. Sorry to state the obvious lol
I think its a god thing. I'm pretty tired of the grand comic book epic after the last 12 years of the MCU and others. Its beginning to feel like it did when the Arnold macho movies were over but they were still making things like Eraser... or when the disaster craze ended but they still were making The Swarm and Meteor.

I really need something new and different. Hopefully a new market will provide that.
Yeah that’s nice but get ready for more LOTR and The Boys on Amazon and SW and MCU on D+ lol

And then 36th Chamber of Snyder Cut.

Then 85 year old Indy!
I think its a god thing. I'm pretty tired of the grand comic book epic after the last 12 years of the MCU and others.[...]

I can see that. We've had snarky but epic MCU, a mostly failed attempt at mostly brooding and god-like DC, and some R-rated satire (Deadpool, The Boys) .. and bleak, mean-spirited alternate fair like Joker that departs a bit from the mythos .. what remains to be done?

I've long been a fan of smaller stories, so if they gave us a grounded, character-driven superhero study I'd probably be more excited for that, but it doesn't seem to be the formula in fashion and admittedly harder to pull off. They sort of tried that on Netflix with mixed results. The Batman is interesting but it's far away and remains questionable.

There are a ton of interesting stories left to be told. Image Comics has some cool ideas to mine; they've already turned Deadly Class into a series and things running the gamut from Glory to Black Science, Low, Trees, Descender and East of West could all be interesting jumping off points, each with their own style...I thought I heard rumblings about Saga being made into a series but maybe I imagined it.

Most of the above is squarely in the realm of speculative fiction, save Glory which has more in common with Breaking Bad stylistically speaking (with more cars).
CW is cranking out so much trash... it just gets tiresome. How many more capes and laser-eyes can we see? How much more superhero angst must I endure? How many times can they do the "super heroes bring super problems, arrest them!"?

The whole conceit is now cliche, tired, formulaic and boring. They are like the new generations "western" and its tiresome.

There must be some way to do something new if you absolutely MUST have your superhero. I thought Joker was refreshing... despite it being "put Joker in Taxi Driver" in a way. Does that mean we need to remake everything with a comic book super-character now?

Three Superheroes and a Baby -- Superman, Aquaman and Batman try to raise a human baby.

Die Hardest -- Superman is trapped inside a building made of Kryptonite and must stop a gang of Super-Criminals from stealing [who cares]
CW is cranking out so much trash... it just gets tiresome. How many more capes and laser-eyes can we see? How much more superhero angst must I endure? How many times can they do the "super heroes bring super problems, arrest them!"?

The whole conceit is now cliche, tired, formulaic and boring. They are like the new generations "western" and its tiresome.

There must be some way to do something new if you absolutely MUST have your superhero. I thought Joker was refreshing... despite it being "put Joker in Taxi Driver" in a way. Does that mean we need to remake everything with a comic book super-character now?

Three Superheroes and a Baby -- Superman, Aquaman and Batman try to raise a human baby.

Die Hardest -- Superman is trapped inside a building made of Kryptonite and must stop a gang of Super-Criminals from stealing [who cares]

It's a cycle, like fashion or music. And what happens in those, the old becomes new and refreshing, so in the case of Super heroes, perhaps an old fashioned feel good fantasy super hero film with a hero that's actually heroic, positive, optimistic and free from any personal "real world" problems fighting for truth, justice and the American way might be refreshing from "heroes" fighting each other or cleaning up the mess they've created. I would love a Superman film set in the 1940's, with Hitler as the clear cut villain who's looking to create his own superior "Supernazi" to go up against the "American" symbol of freedom, Superman. Hitler creates Bizzaro instead. :lol
Honestly I think video games films and anime movies will be the next big thing. That?s just me tho
perhaps an old fashioned feel good fantasy super hero film with a hero that's actually heroic, positive, optimistic and free from any personal "real world" problems fighting for truth, justice and the American way might be refreshing from "heroes" fighting each other or cleaning up the mess they've created. I would love a Superman film set in the 1940's, with Hitler as the clear cut villain who's looking to create his own superior "Supernazi" to go up against the "American" symbol of freedom, Superman. Hitler creates Bizzaro instead. :lol

They already made that movie...

It does..... they suck so much at making decisions and let a guy who doesn?t like Superman spear head there universe. They are a joke