Broke and happy
This is getter by some great reviews. It's about time that DC hit one out of the park. If all the reviews are true the big loser might be Zack Snyder.
This is getter by some great reviews. It's about time that DC hit one out of the park. If all the reviews are true the big loser might be Zack Snyder.
This is getter by some great reviews. It's about time that DC hit one out of the park. If all the reviews are true the big loser might be Zack Snyder.
Memba when the initial BvS and Suicide Squad first screening reviews from twitter were all positive?
The Jedi of Irish informed us it was the bestest ever. And then ventured out into the wasteland. Never to be seen again.
Memba when the initial BvS and Suicide Squad first screening reviews from twitter were all positive?
Yea it's getting very good reviews. And I knew suicide squad would suck tbh. Why is irish Jedi a wanted criminal?
thoses are twitter reactions from actual critics
Well, allegedly a wanted criminal. He stole or illegally bought some expensive collectibles and tried selling them on SSF. He allegedly got caught by one of the owners of said collectibles and Irish may have been temporarily arrested as a result, but as we speak he may or may not be a fugitive.
Huh? I don't remember this, that he used to respond to every single post, didn't he leave before the actual discussion started?Memba when The Irish Jedi went into a crazy rage, saying how Zach was a truly wonderful human being, and how we were all awful people for bulying him? Remember how he'd respond to every single criticizm of BvS? I memba...
I'm guessing if it's actually as good as twitter says, the ratings are going to be retarded high, even if it doesn't deserve it, but judging by how some reactions are already calling out "rough parts", I'm guessing it will either be mediocre or bad, but because it's Wonder Womyn, it'll probably get a good/decent rating anyway.You folks better not forget the "critics and reviews don't matter" dance if WW gets a good rating...
Somebody tell me what is going on with IrishJedi- I just read pieces of this and that and really want to hear the story- is there a thread somewhere on this?