Broke and happy
The former is percentage of reviews that are more positive than negative. The latter is more a standardized, average review score out of 100.Whats the difference between rotten tomatoes and meta critic? They have it on 79%
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WW's critical success will put even more pressure on Snyder's JL. still waiting for a hilarious train wreck
Not to be a downer or dismiss any positive reviews, but there's more going on here than just a simple movie. Entertainment should not be made into issues for activists or political rights. It creates too much bias. Women will all praise this movie regardless of outcome as it's the 1st big female lead blockbuster with a female director to boot, and men will praise it for fear of backlash from women while hopefully at the same time gain more female followers since they praised it and even dress with appropriate attire in the reviews(?)...
This is all similar to what happened to Ghostbusters. From all the bad press about men bashing it before it ever got out, most male reviewers were afraid to give honest opinions. They simply said it was a fun movie, as opposed to giving it a good or bad rating. Thankfully actual women fans were honest and bashed the movie as trash. Wonder Woman must be judged for yourself, not from reviews. We shall see what happens this weekend.
Lastly, this is hardly the savior of the DCEU, as JL is already done filming. That movie looks like a trainwreck. The Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman and even Batman all look terrible. The tone is still very dark with terrible CGI. One of the good things about BvS at least was Batman looked good. Snyder even ruined that by turning him into looking like Night Owl from Watchmen. Wonder Woman can be a great stand alone movie, but doesn't mean the Universe is now on track to be successful.
Entertainment should not be made into issues for activists or political rights.
One thing's for sure -- if this movie is 'good', it will basically guarantee 'the' formula for the remaining DCU.
This is so wrong, it makes the rest of your post impossible to read.
Film-making is an art, and art has always had bias' and agendas. No way around it. For someone to not understand that, is well.... juvenile.
If Hollywood followed that thought, we wouldn't get any thought provoking films. In fact, we probably wouldn't have any movies at all.![]()
What was the agenda behind suicide squad?
I know you're trying to troll, but it's pretty obvious.
The grey line between good and evil, it's a bunch of evil villains forced to do good *OR ELSE*. In the end, they choose to help instead of being made to.
It asks the question, what is good and evil? Is there such a distinctive force behind those ideals like society thinks?
The agenda related to the real world? You are talking about the themes, but thats not the same thing.