The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
$400 back then and $400 now is entirely different
That's true. Go back and look at the other films that came out before and after SW in 1977

$400 back then and $400 now is entirely different
$400 back then and $400 now is entirely different
If Avatar had been a world people wanted to revisit again and again, it could have been that game-changing film. As it is, it is the last movie-going phenomenon I can remember and certainly no slouch when it comes to money-making. But just imagine if that world was 'cool'....
If Avatar had been a world people wanted to revisit again and again, it could have been that game-changing film. As it is, it is the last movie-going phenomenon I can remember and certainly no slouch when it comes to money-making. But just imagine if that world was 'cool'....
Easy 8.5/10 IMO.
I'm sure Cameron is working night and day to do just that. But I don't think he has it in him anymore. Lucas, Scott, Spielberg, and Cameron all atrophied following their successful hey days. Of the old guard only George Miller has been able to repackage his cinematic universe in a way that was "cool" to modern audiences.
Imagine if it was an 11... like the original Star Wars was.
Imagine if it was an 11... like the original Star Wars was.
Ok, what's with your SW boner recently?
Uh oh, please don't post that gif of the anime character attacking people with his crotch, lol.