SwedishHeat : This is definitely not a recast of a TTM19 in any way as all the parts look uniquely sculpted to this body. I did see the one in the links you posted as that is quite common, though I have not seen this seamless neck version anywhere other than the website in my link.
So the torso is not rubber like hot toys? I've bought a vinyl body before and they are pretty heavy and there's something I don't like about the finish on the neck and torso. Might give it a skip then
Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. The World Box body started as a recast of the TTM19 in solid PVC, they replaced parts here and there. So it's just a difference in point of view. For me, on the Sub Zero figure, they changed enough of it, that it felt like their own thing.
As to the rubber/vinyl question, I think you're using those terms colloquially, so I'm not sure what you mean. No one uses actual rubber in their bodies. Hot Toys uses PVC for most of their bodies. Vinyl is not used on bodies, it is not structurally strong enough to support weight. Vinyl, or what can commonly be called vinyl, is used on things like female heads when they need to root hair directly into the head.
Bodies are either ABS or PVC. If you can push into it with your fingernail, it's PVC, if you can't push into it with a fingernail it's ABS plastic. You can have different grades of each, so some PVC is harder than others. But generally it's it's painted/shaded, you can be sure it's PVC. ABS plastic doesn't take paint well, as it scrapes off.
But if you're referring to the torso of the TTM19, the sleeve around the internal skeleton of the torso, that's PVC. It's a softer PVC, but it's not rubber.