World War Z (starring Brad Pitt)

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I've never read the book. I've already stated why I didn't like this movie. No character development, no humanity, just some dull action scenes, lifeless (pun intended) zombies, and a climax that frustrated me as a fan of Zombies.

Pitt was no different then Milla's character in the Resident Evil movies. A character people will die for, a character who does nothing wrong, a character who everyone needs to save them....I can't stand characters like that in a deadly serious drama film.

Oh Sorry.. Thought you read the book since you answered "They were zombies and not 28 days later infected"

I guess I missed Pitt's Super powers like Milla's in RE ;). Other then his ability to survive situations he should have died in. But then the film would have been over after his confrontation in the apartment complex before getting on the Chopper.

Did people die for Milla?? Did she make all the right choices?? I really don't remember. I would have never compared the two though but I guess I see now where you are coming from with the Pitt is the most perfect human in the world. While none of that bothered me Other then he happened to pick the right virus. Oh well.
Probably. I know the critics I listen too enjoyed it. That's fine. But I don't agree. It just didn't have what I like in Zombie media.
Ok I can see why his film would get under your skin. Especially if you are a fan of the book. I had no idea what they were supposed to be so the lack of true zombie characteristics did not bother me.

I thought it was a far better zombie film then any of the Resident Evil crap or Romero's Post Day of the Dead films.

It was far from perfect but I still had fun. I really believe I would have really gotten a kick out it had the trailers not shown everything.

I agree....I too hate that the gore and blood factor was missing but the suspense and creep factor was what there was no carnivorous seemed plausible.....I enjoy thinking about what if?....makes it scarier:yess:
saw this movie yesterday. i thought it was great. it had moments of suspense and for me i wanted to know if he would be able to find where it all started from. never read the book and honestly even if i did i would treat the film differently just like "The Lovely Bones" hopefully they do make a sequel
Good reads....the "original" ending would have certainly been more intense, but definitely not the kind of almost happy one DL provided...

It didn't surprise me that DL's hands were all over everything past the plane scene...that's when the movie shifts it's tone, becomes more conventional and has those little DL touches of having things happen that make no real sense.

Knew as soon as I saw that guy's name clip by in the opening credits that the movie was probably in trouble...can't believe that guy keeps getting work...he's really pretty awful...
It was ok. Nothing special.

Sad to see Matthew Fox slide from one of the most popular characters on TV to essentially a background role in this.
Just saw this tonight and was not impressed at all. I've never seen a zombie movie with "0" blood??? I mean come on....I kept waiting for each new scene to maybe get a little in there. But nothing.

Hell the only blood in the whole movie was the scratch on Pitts cheek. Give me a break.

You don't actually "see" a single zombie biting anyone, just dead people making noises and running. I actually started getting board mid way through and by the end I couldn't wait to leave the theatre. I can't believe it's getting the ratings it is on rotten tomatoes.

This beat out man of steel by the critics?????

This SHOULD have been rated R! I don't even care to see the PG Disney sequel.

Worst movie of the far!

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From what I gather, the film missed a lot of major points from the novel. This could be a way to partially remedy that, I suppose.
8/10 liked it more than I thought I would. Much better than the Superman fails movie I saw last weekend. That thing was a mess.