Worst Head Sculpt (Regardless of Paint Apps) Shipped in 2006

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Worst Head Sculpt (Regardless of Paint Apps) Shipped in 2006

  • Luke Skywalker

    Votes: 7 7.6%
  • Anakin Skywalker

    Votes: 10 10.9%
  • Kit Fisto

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • Han Solo

    Votes: 54 58.7%
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mace Windu

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Qui-Gon Jinn

    Votes: 12 13.0%
  • Darth Maul

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bib Fortuna

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
Mace hands down.

If it were ona body dressed in street clothes I would at least recognize the other sculpts as the actors. I would never see Sam Jackson in the Mace sculpt.
I say Qui Gon's. Han was not tooooo bad without the paint, I think Qui Gons is only a step above Hasbro, there's something terribly wrong with that hair, and they could have given him a little more intense of a face. Just so meh to me.
Hmmm...I'm tempted to say Han, but the figure has grown on me. I have to agree with Kit on Mace. For some reason or another it doesn't come across as Sam Jackson. As far as Qui Gon goes, I think that the sculpt is pretty much there, but the hair takes away from it.

Nothing that hasn't been said before.
I have not read every reply, but how can anyone have voted for Kit Fisto or Bib Fortuna? :confused:
I voted for Kit. I don't think any of the sculpt are bad/worst depending on how you want to look at it. The way the faces where done on the rest I think are fine. With Kit I would like to have seen his trademark smile than the mouth he got. Not that it's a bad sculpt but the rest of the faces I like.
I think the Han Solo sculpt is excellent, personally... Not the best in the SW line but certainly not the worst.
It was a tough choice between bobble-headed Solo and George Washington Qui-Gon. I chose Qui-Gon as the winner (or should I say, loser...).

Solo's large melon head was made more apparent due to the tight-fitting jacket. I think if the clothing had fit better and a little looser, it would have helped blend in the large headsculpt better.

Qui-Gon, in my opinion, is simply suffering due to that strange hair and paintjob. I think the facial sculpt is there, hidden underneath the bad paintjob, but the hair sculpt is horrendous. The only way that it looks decent is when in profile and that's how I have mine displayed.

I have to say that Darth Maul saved this line for me, for the time being.
I can only speak from the figures I own (Maul, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Aragorn... wait, wrong line, and Luke) and for me it's Anakin, by about a mile. I can see people's problem with Qui-Gon, but you CAN find poses in which the hair over the shoulder actually creates some movement and looks like he just flicked his head to the side. (yes.. I am resculpting my Qui-Gon, but thats not the point, lol. While he's up on my shelf I'm perfectly happy with him.)

I was not so with Anakin. I would say about 45 - 50% of the face is Hayden. The rest is somebody else.

But take note I'm not bashing the sculptor... I'm an artist so I know that when we look at our collective works some are looked upon better than others. For me the Anakin sculpt is one of the 'others'.

As a total line though? I'll let my hairy friend show my feelings

I voted Anakin, again none of the sculpts are terrible... but he really doesn't look much like the actor. He's a good representation of Anakin but not Hayden.
galactiboy said:
I voted Anakin, again none of the sculpts are terrible... but he really doesn't look much like the actor. He's a good representation of Anakin but not Hayden.
When you take the paint apps out of the equation I think the Anakin headsculpt captures Hayden Christensen very well:

I've haven't seen one completely stripped of paint, but his jaw seemed to square and pronounced than Hayden. It almost seemed like an idealized version of him. I wonder if the production is a bit different than the proto, either do to manufacturing or changes.
Khev said:
When you take the paint apps out of the equation I think the Anakin headsculpt captures Hayden Christensen very well:

I agree. The likeness looks extremely close to Hayden. The chin and jaw are a little too pronounced, but the rest is accurate.
I voted Solo, out of them all he misses the mark the most. Qui-Gon is close, there is a slight issue with the hair but it's not much of a issue with me.
Mace is off, but it's acceptable. And his head looks the most in scale out of most of the Sideshow figures.
I had to vote for Solo. That's the only sculpt where I really could not see the actor's likeness. And that was hard for me to say because Solo is the one I really wanted to like. Qui-Gon was a close second for me. The hair killed it.