Worst Movie Ever

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The Psycho remake. Unbearable crap. To see the fine work of Hitchcokck shamelessly destroyed was heartbreaking.
Batman and Robin - needs no explanation.
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. Oh god, at least Wes Craven followed up with a total stunner.
We've actually had threads like this quite a few times, so many of you know that I watch bad movies for a living. But the worst film I've ever seen is always the last one I paid to see that made we wonder why I love movies. And those would be: Wild Hogs, A Night at the Museum, Catch & Release, that Diane Keaton movie with Mandy Moore and Batman & Robin.
In no particular order

Popeye ( Robin Williams )
Raising Arizona
Bram Stokers Dracula
Clan of the Cave Bear
Battlefield Earth
The Earl of Dunfield said:
I actually stood up and swore at the end of the movie for this one


Oh man! I forgot about this "winner".

I would have to say Pumpkin is the WORST (don't ask the wife rented it, best sleep I've had in a long time)
Batman and Robin and Spawn were the worst comic book movies of all time in my opinion.

Another movie I was once "forced" into watching was the Princess Diaries, the first one and it was the most horrible hour and thirty odd minutes of my life, horrendous film.

Got a leg over out of it at the end of the night though:lol
MaulFan said:
My vote is for Manhunter, the first attempt to bring Hannibal to screen from Thomas Harris' Red Dragon. This film just had all the elements of of a poor film, overacting hero, poor, lifeless villain, a good actor delivering a terrible performance as Hannibal the Cannibal, and add to the mix the cheesiest synthesizer film score to come out of the 80s and I'd say you've got a pretty bad movie. I bough it cheap on VHS when Hannibal came out in theaters thinking it'd be cool to see that story, and the box promoted it to be scarier than Silence of the Lambs; I watched it with my older brother and both of us laughed harder watching this film than any comedy I've ever seen.

Please, start taking your medication....you're delusional without it. One of the most highly acclaimed movies of the 80's by one of Hollywood's best director's, Michael Mann, is the worst movie ever made? :confused: :rotfl

For the record, Brian Cox [a fantastic actor] played the role of Hannibal Lecter perfectly. At least, according to my wife [a registered nurse working in a mental hospital for the last 20+ years], who says Cox portrayal as a true sociopath was dead on. You may have preferred Anthony Hopkins "caricature" Lecter, but it was nothing more than pure Hollywood fiction, laughable in the eyes of anyone who actually works in the field of mental health.

My worst 3 movies are :

2nd runner up - Catwoman : Halle Berry looked great in leather, but it was all downhill from there.

1st runner up - Alone in the Dark : Tara Reid playing the role of a scientist :lol , enough said!

the winner [er...loser] - Gigli : I can't believe no one has even mentioned this piece of garbage. Two of Hollywood's worst actor's [the reigning king Ben Affleck, and Jennifer Lopez] in a directionless film featuring a horrific screenplay and plot [if you can call it that]. Bad filmmaking at it's finest!
KitFisto said:
In no particular order

Popeye ( Robin Williams )
Raising Arizona
Bram Stokers Dracula
Clan of the Cave Bear
Battlefield Earth

i actually enjoy a lot of films in that list....borat and dracula in particular were awesome.
Shai Hulud said:
i actually enjoy a lot of films in that list....borat and dracula in particular were awesome.

I never thought either of them would end they were so bad. I can at least see why some fans would like Dracula..I was just expecting a lot more.

Borat on the other had is completely retarded IMO.
Out of recommendation, I stayed far away from movies like Gigli, Glitter, and the Britney Spears flick, Crossroads.

But I have seen these pieces of trash:

Scary Movie 3 & 4
Date Movie
My Bosses Daughter
Gosford Park

and probably alot more that I'm missing...
Bonehead15 said:
MANOS The Hand of Fate wins easy.

Those of you who have seen it know what I mean. :monkey4

:lol :lol MST3K's version makes this a classic.

PosterBoyKelly: If you think Ichi was bad, Gozu is even worse. Talk about weird.

Probably the most recent movie I've wanted to walk out on is Van Helsing. It was one of those films I thought was going to be good, and it was far from it. The only film I've ever walked out on was Pink Cadillac with Clint Eastwood. :monkey4
I forgot to add Stop or my Mom Will Shoot. I went with friends on a spur of the momet to catch a movie and NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING decent was playing at the theater so we decided to try it....FREAKING TERRIBLE.
Uhmm Titanic anyone? I say this because it certainly did not live up to it's hype and ALSO and MAINLY because it took James Cameron, a once gifted and visionary director/creator of the neo-classic Aliens, Terminator etc and made him go a little crazy in the head. Ever since Titanic, he just seems to want to do underwater documentaries. Maybe the pressure of all that water got to him. :monkey2
sladesuperagent said:
Dude!?!? Marked for Death, Above the Law, Hard to Kill, and Out for Justice are CLASSICS! I let Manhunter fly, but Seagal demands respect!

Under Siege 2 is pretty sweet too.

"chance favors the prepared mind"

Battlefield Earth is a bad movie, but hilarious to watch. Travolta tries to act all serious, Forest "Oscar" Whitaker get the Embarrassed Actor Award, you have cavemen flying 1000 year old Harrier jets in formation. Pure gold.

Warriors of the Wasteland is also a fun cheeze flick to check out. It's a Road Warrior knockoff in the $1 dvd section at wallmart.
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Capote... Not because it was poorly written. Not because the acting was bad. But because it left me feeling like an empty blackhole sucking emptiness into nothingness in a universe full of vacant blah.....