Leia "I love you"... Han "I know..."
Wait, people are serious about that? That's one of the most celebrated exchanges of dialogue in all of Star Wars.
I assumed aussibott only picked it to spite everyone else who was choosing exclusively PT quotes.
Leia "I love you"... Han "I know..."
Seriously, that's not only a great, iconic line, but an amazing ad lib by Ford.Wait, people are serious about that? That's one of the most celebrated exchanges of dialogue in all of Star Wars.
I assumed aussibott only picked it to spite everyone else who was choosing exclusively PT quotes.
Leia "I love you"... Han "I know..."
I am 100% sure aussibott's pick was one of spite. Also called ESB an Average film.Wait, people are serious about that? That's one of the most celebrated exchanges of dialogue in all of Star Wars.
I assumed aussibott only picked it to spite everyone else who was choosing exclusively PT quotes.
Seriously, that's not only a great, iconic line, but an amazing ad lib by Ford.
With all the dialogue-trash this series has provided, I can't believe anybody would point to that.
I too took it in jest at first.
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I remember some girls in my theater crying over it. Everybody else let out a laugh.I am 100% sure aussibott's pick was one of spite. Also called ESB an Average film.
Yeah.. I remember Han saying this line when I saw it in the theater and the woman behind me let out the best surprised / lightly insulted / genuinely amused laughs. I can still hear her.
If you guys think that Luke, Leia, and Han were speaking much more "modern" dialogue than their OT versions, I totally get why you object. No question. But by your "different era" logic, shouldn't the younger ST generation sound different than the prior OT generation? The ST/OT time gap is equivalent to real-world 1950 versus 1980.
Oh no, heaven forbid somebody submit dialogue from your precious OT as the worst of all time.
"I love you" "I know" Go try that in the real world.
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter" Who talks like that seriously?
She was a duplicitous politician of course. George was looking to convey that even 'good' politicians are so alien to us regular folks (and the heroes of the OT) and he demonstrated that by having her speak in almost a nonsensical version of our language. [tries to keep a straight face... did they buy it]So what is Padme's excuse???![]()
I'm having trouble understanding the distinction, so I'm hoping one of you can elaborate.
The PT ended 19 or 20 years before the events of the OT.
The ST started 30 years after the events of the OT.
If the awkward PT dialogue is forgivable because it conveys a "different era" in the SW timeline (19-32 years pre-OT), how is the more modern dialogue of the new ST characters (30-31 years post-OT) not emblematic of *their* new era?
If you guys think that Luke, Leia, and Han were speaking much more "modern" dialogue than their OT versions, I totally get why you object. No question. But by your "different era" logic, shouldn't the younger ST generation sound different than the prior OT generation? The ST/OT time gap is equivalent to real-world 1950 versus 1980.
Keep in mind that most of the awkward PT dialogue was spoken by the guy who was supposed to be giving us Vader dialogue.
BTW, I vote for Vader's dubbed-in "NNOOOOO!!!" for the ROTJ blu-ray "special" edition. As unnecessary as it gets.
By "different era" I'm not thinking so much time-wise but culturally - more regal and diplomatic, with active Jedi etc, rather than guerrilla fighters scrapping with an all-powerful Empire on backwater planets.
The OT had it's on distinct clear voice and aesthetic. The lived in universe with colloquial sounding dialogue for the most part, probably some references to the time but none that really stand out or play as dated even to this day.
Likewise the PT carved out it's own period, with spoken language and visual appearance - similar but also quite clearly different to the OT.
The ST went with a largely copied version of the OT look and appearance which didn't feel like I had been shifted into a new period of time. The language tries to ape more the OT but with many more stand out modern comedic elements to it which I find jarring and takes me out of the experience. It no longer feels like a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It feels like every other MCU movie. I do like Poe's 'who speaks first' line but his 'yo mumma' joke that was hard to sit through.
George went to such an effort to make the PT era distinct but Disney and JJ went to such pains to make the ST familiar to the OT. That's the fundamental difference for me. I wish they had conveyed a sense of the 'new republic' era. The jokes and some of the dialogue, i fear will date the movies. Someone else brought up the Chewie walking carpet joke from the OT with reference to shaggy rugs from the 70s and perhaps that was the intention with the line - however, it's still just as understandable today and I've never once thought of it as a 70s reference.
I also hate Vader's dubbed in Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! in the ROTJ blu-ray (I also hate it a little bit in ROTS).
Like you guys, I'd prefer the humor not be modern and MCU-like. But it doesn't bother me as much because I expect each generation to have a slightly different voice. Like I said before, it would only truly piss me off if it was Han, Luke, and Leia doing that. But, Poe, Finn, and Rey? I can accept that their generation would sound that way, rather than saying things like "look sister, I ain't in this..." the way Han did in the OT.
Yes! I so totally agree!
And that's why I really enjoy the interactions between Finn and Han in TFA. Where we got to see old SW clashing with new in humorous ways "that's not how the Force works!" "bring it down, bring it down." To me that showed that the ST understood that one generation is not the other and had fun recognizing that while still combining both in a setting that was undeniably SW.
Legacy characters interacted with youth who were very different than them without the legacy characters conforming to the new attitudes/writing styles.
Whereas for me the PT characters who *would* become legacy characters in the OT (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Boba Fett, etc.) just didn't feel like they were the same characters at all. Obi-Wan was the closest obviously but you still had all the weird revelations of him becoming a pathological liar with regard to literally everything that came out of his mouth in the OT, lol.
I love that when I see Han with Rey or Finn I feel like I'm actually watching OT Han (albeit older and grayer) acting with these characters. But going from PT Yoda to ESB Yoda? Feels like two completely different characters. "Noooo Vader" to OT Vader? Completely different. And so on.
And yes I am aware that there are those who will counter and say that "Jake Skywalker" doesn't match with OT Luke or what have you but I'm fine accepting your wrong opinions on the matter and calling it a day.![]()
but I'm fine accepting your wrong opinions on the matter and calling it a day.