Prime Clone
Super Freak
Talk about stiff acting, the PM... I think Palpatine was the only one who WASN’t stiff in that one, it was hard to watch after watching TCW.
Palps was only stiff offscreen, as we found out in TROS!
Talk about stiff acting, the PM... I think Palpatine was the only one who WASN’t stiff in that one, it was hard to watch after watching TCW.
That line is a perfect example of how badly the Clone wars handled Yoda?s odd speech.
I do not know how they come up with it, but it?s so much worse than anything in OT....
It?s like they made him a backward talking moron.....did did not speak backwardeeze all this time in OT, but since then, every single line he speaks is backward.
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The delivery was awful. Crap acting. I assume taking that into account is why some of these lines are being chosen....
Talk about stiff acting, the PM... I think Palpatine was the only one who WASN’t stiff in that one, it was hard to watch after watching TCW.
*Vader voice*: I hate sand. *inhale* It gets everywhere.
The fact that no one mocked Hamill's delivery during the "I am your father" sequence until decades later shows that his delivery was just fine.
It shows that there was no Internet.
That's great that Hayden tried to speak in a way that would be reminiscent of JEJ's speech.
If only George had the same approach when *writing* the character.
George: "Let's see, what's something that young ESB Vader would say. I know, 'I'd be much too frightened to tease a senator.'"
George wanted Anakin and Vader to be totally different characters/identities. He succeeded spectacularly.
Oh but there was Usenet in the early 90's Gandalf. I was there. I was there 3,000 years ago. And people didn't mock Luke's dialogue in ESB. That only really started after the abomination that was PT dialogue rose and apologists *then* started their little claims of "oh but SW writing and acting has always been bad."
I missed all of that, having not returned to discussing Star Wars with a bunch of strange nerds on the computer until around 2011 (although I was on Usenet in the '90s, just not for that). Very well then.
Back in the early 90's ROTJ was the online whipping boy for its uninspired rehash of so much of what we'd already seen and it's wooden acting, cringy dialogue, half-assed matte painting backgrounds, and blatant selling out to the toy aisles. Boy did that change once the SE's and TPM were released though, lol.
Oooh...that's bad. Forgot about that one.