Is there even a point to this thread since HT has already publicly stated they have no interest in making T3 figures?![]()
This thread convinced me to throw in the BR of T3 last night and watch part of it...and despite the forced humor in some spots, it's still a pretty good Terminator flick...
I think HT could find some success with a few figures from T3...Kristanna Loken is pretty doggone striking in that patent-red-leather outfit and would make a really cool figure. The T-X endo would look great too.
That's all you need to know!
The elite have spoken![]()
What are you the King Darkness cheerleader? Elite? Self absorbed, believes he should be the decision maker for everyone?
If Hot Toys decided to make T-3 figures they would sell, and sell well. If they wanted to insure a sell out, they'd make it an exclusive, just like the POS Guardian Predator that has maybe 5 newly sculpted accessories and the rest is all "re-casts" of previously released Predators.
TX would sell and sell well. Human version of the TX with interchangeable arms/hands would also sell well. Arnold of course, BD and undamaged, and if it would come with star shaped glasses that were on screen for 5-10 seconds, so freakin' what. It would be fantastic if they made a T-1 in 1:6 format.
If you are not a fan, pass. Just don't crap on people that would want these items. The question was would buy T3 figures by HT. HT can always change it's mind.
This place runs wild with negativity, not just T3, but some here don't post anything positive and well, you see it as well as I.
This thread convinced me to throw in the BR of T3 last night and watch part of it...and despite the forced humor in some spots, it's still a pretty good Terminator flick...
I think HT could find some success with a few figures from T3...Kristanna Loken is pretty doggone striking in that patent-red-leather outfit and would make a really cool figure. The T-X endo would look great too.
Personally I think she's even more striking without red leather outfit![]()
I'd rather have that in a life size format
You know despite the hate this one gets, I actually enjoy T3 but then again I like P2 as much as P1 so....
I'd totally get an HT "time travel" TX with a new anatomically correct body with authentic likeness to Kristanna Loken. No outfit or accessories needed![]()
I was coming in here to say I would definitely pick up an extreme BD T-800 from the end of the film and was treated to that beautiful custom featured above. Would absolutely pick something up.