would you rather be an employee or an employer ?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 30, 2008
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So who out there work for yourself ? so is it better to be your own boss or is it better to get a steady paycheck and be a workerbee and take the crap from the boss ?


Who takes crap from their boss? I work for one of those big corps, but know my stuff well enough that I am my own boss of my area. Just do your job well and don't take crap from no one. If your boss is a jerk, you're working for the wrong company or need to transfer to a new area. Bosses/managers have it very difficult now with upsetting any of their employees as HR is right down the hall. Of course, if you own your own company, you can do whatever you want I suppose, but still have to be careful of an ever increasing litigious work force.

I certainly wouldn't want to own a small business right now though, not with what's being currently discussed as it relates to health care.
I'd rather be rich and smoke pot all day.

You're in luck. Work is over rated. Move to California if you don't live there already. The rich owe you, damn rich people, with all their hard work, success, and work ethic, getting up every morning for that pay check, and they're paying majority of the taxes already. Damn rich people. Who the hell do they think they are? F'rs.
I love the situaton I am in. It is consulting style work (inspection). I have never worked closer than about 90 miles from my office. I go into the office once every 1 or 2 years. I am effectively my own boss (I do have a supervisor, but it is a very cooperative work situation), and I still have the benefits of being an employee.

I consider it to be the very best of both worlds...and it pays great!

I would hate to run my own company...if I had to have employees. Employees are the sole reason that I refuse to start my own business. About 1 in 10 are worth a darn...and the other 90% have their uselessness protected by law.
I have a boss but he's practically non-existent...This is why I'm here all day on the internet from work...I make good money while insulting others on a toy forum..I'm also a hunk and can have all the women I want...I also have a good health a a big ^^^^^....Life is good.
In California, you don't want to be a Boss. A worked cuts their finger cutting their nails and they sue you AND win..........
I love having my own business. Sure you have more responsibility but it's worth it in the end. No one tells Big Beerbelly Bob what to do. Except maybe the tax man.
I have a small business with my mother and then I also work outside the home. I have it both ways. I prefer having my own business than working for others but I don't make enough to just have that so I have two jobs.
No one tells Big Beerbelly Bob what to do. Except maybe the tax man.

And your customers.

The notion of "being your own boss" has always been something of a pipe dream, a "grass is always greener" fallacy. Everyone works for someone, or you don't work at all.

Those who succeed in small business do so by offering a desirable product/service, and by satisfying and growing their customer base. Those who succeed in large companies do so by offering a good work ethic and a desirable skill set.
Those who succeed in small business do so by offering a desirable product/service, and by satisfying and growing their customer base.
That's what I do. And my business is in demand- I pick up clients even more quickly than I lose them.

I LOVE being my own boss. And I LOVE my job.
And it would be devestating for me to have to go back to a regular one.

But I also don't have any employees and don't want any either.
I am perfectly happy being an employee in a powerful union. :D

And I know which one. I envy you because I work in nearly the same profession but under a different union and it SUCKS! And I pay more union dues a month than the factory workers in Detroit! :monkey4
As long as I get alot of CA$H...I really don't care....But I've always seen myself with my own business some day.:lecture