Wow....I don't know what to say. Even I want to slap her.

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Yup. Two CHP cops leaked them. The suit is still in courts.

It wouldn't matter to me. Awful thing to happen to anyone. I lost a young cousin to driving wrecklessly. He was 17. :(

It sucks. I'm sure plenty of people here have driven over 100mph before. I have and I know that doing it 18 would have been much more dangerous than doing it at 25. However, at 18, I would have had less of an appreciation for the danger.

I know a lot of girls who have died in car crashes and every one of them was doing something they shouldn't have. The stupidity of the act doesn't make it any less tragic.
Yup. Two CHP cops leaked them. The suit is still in courts.

It sucks. I'm sure plenty of people here have driven over 100mph before. I have and I know that doing it 18 would have been much more dangerous than doing it at 25. However, at 18, I would have had less of an appreciation for the danger.

I know a lot of girls who have died in car crashes and every one of them was doing something they shouldn't have. The stupidity of the act doesn't make it any less tragic.

Cops did it? :slap

I've never owned a car I could trust going that fast. I've never had the desire anyway. I'm one of those awful women drivers that go too slow for most. :lol
Someone did that? Wow, they must've really hated her or her family to do that. How awful!

UPDATE ON LEGAL CASE: A judge in California ruled that it would be appropriate to move forward with the family's legal case against the California Highway Patrol for leaking the photographs. The family hired ReputationDefender to handle their lawsuit. This led to the California Highway Patrol issuing a formal apology and taking action to prevent similar occurrences in the future, after discovering that departmental policy had been violated by the two officers responsible for the leakage of the photographs. O'Donnell was suspended for 25 days without pay, and Reich quit soon after, "for unrelated reasons," according to his lawyer. As of March 21, 2008, the final ruling in the legal case was issued. Judge Steven L. Perk dismissed the case against the Department of the California Highway Patrol after both Reich and O'Donnell were removed as defendants. Judge Perk ruled that the two were not under any responsibility for protecting the privacy of the Catsouras family, effectively ending the basis for the case. The family's legal team is appealing the ruling.
I was cognizant enough at 16 to know I didn't deserve a drivers license let alone a car. When I hit 20 I knew I was ready. I haven't regretted it a bit. (Girls always gave me rides :lol)
I was pretty responsible at 16. I got worse the closer to 21 I got, but my driving skills improved on account of practice. By the time I was 22, I was a disaster psychologically, but I could drive like Anakin Skywalker. No joke. Best in the galaxy.
It's wrong if you knew what she looked like before.


In all seriousness, I can't comprehend being able to feel zero sympathy for her.

It's not that I don't feel zero sympathy, I don't think anyone should die like that but considering she put others at risk makes it hard to feel too bad. It could have easily been an innocent by stander in that pic instead.
Yup. Two CHP cops leaked them. The suit is still in courts.

It sucks. I'm sure plenty of people here have driven over 100mph before. I have and I know that doing it 18 would have been much more dangerous than doing it at 25. However, at 18, I would have had less of an appreciation for the danger.

I know a lot of girls who have died in car crashes and every one of them was doing something they shouldn't have. The stupidity of the act doesn't make it any less tragic.

Don't forget, they found cocaine in her system too. It's not like she was some joy-riding brat. She was all hopped up on blow and behind the wheel of a commercial race car. Thankfully she was the only one who died. It could've been a lot worse for the dude she hit if she'd hit him anywhere else.
Just googled "porsche girl". I'm a pretty morbid guy but even those pics sort have got to me. Pretty shocking.

My cousin walked away unscratched from a horrible car accident because of speeding. I wish I had pics but the vehicle was completely unrecognizable, trashed. It kind of reminded me of this. Though, it was an older cadillac and not a Porsche so that definitely had an impact on his survival.
Damn! That picture is funny until you realize by the license plates that it is in Europe, and therefore totally correct because the fastrer car is passing on the right as it should be in Europe.

Just FYI, the UK and Ireland are the only european countries where you drive on the left side. ;)
However, this could very well be in a country where you drive on the left side.
Don't forget, they found cocaine in her system too. It's not like she was some joy-riding brat. She was all hopped up on blow and behind the wheel of a commercial race car. Thankfully she was the only one who died. It could've been a lot worse for the dude she hit if she'd hit him anywhere else.

I'm not saying that what she did was right, or that she was an innocent victim. She did clip another car while passing him, and that's what caused the accident. The other driver ended up in the hospital (though with minor injuries). Obviously, things could have been much worse.

All I'm saying is that even if it's a clear cut case of spoiled princess mad at daddy going on a near-homicidal tear through California, as much as I despise entitled behavior and mentalities, it still makes me sad to see such a horrible thing happen to someone so young and beautiful.
Damn! That picture is funny until you realize by the license plates that it is in Europe, and therefore totally correct because the fastrer car is passing on the right as it should be in Europe.

Just FYI, the UK and Ireland are the only european countries where you drive on the left side. ;)
However, this could very well be in a country where you drive on the left side.

I wasn't gonna post the pic at first, but you can clearly see what's going on in the pic with the movement and positioning of the smaller car. It's driving around the Lamborghini. Also, all the signs are on one side of the road, with the signs for oncoming traffic facing opposite. Pic is legit! :lecture

I'm not saying that what she did was right, or that she was an innocent victim. She did clip another car while passing him, and that's what caused the accident. The other driver ended up in the hospital (though with minor injuries). Obviously, things could have been much worse.

All I'm saying is that even if it's a clear cut case of spoiled princess mad at daddy going on a near-homicidal tear through California, as much as I despise entitled behavior and mentalities, it still makes me sad to see such a horrible thing happen to someone so young and beautiful.

Meh, beauty often hides monsters. I don't see this as being any different. Thankfully she won't be contributing to the gene pool. I'm hard pressed to feel any sympathy for the parents either, given they're the very reason this happened as they likely entitled the behavior over the years.
I'm inclined to give more credit to the individual when it comes to formation of character. Environment doesn't make you who you are. It just gives you a context in which to make your choices. Her parents could have done a great job and she may have just rebelled.

I found a story about her online (no, I can't verify) that she underwent treatment for a benign brain tumor as a child, which damaged her impulse control centers. Her parents had her scheduled for therapy once they learned she had taken cocaine. And the car being off limits was a punishment. It doesn't sound like they were entirely permissive. But, who knows? It takes a lot more than what is available to the public to make solid determinations regarding the moral character of any of these people.

None of this is my point though. I think the malice directed at the family after the accident was obscene. It had far more to do with envy than it did with a sense of justice. I'm trying to be objective because I see this kind of reaction to wealth even when there is no mangled princess to gawk at. It's becoming a standard argument against the 'tall poppies' and I think it's horse____.
None of this is my point though. I think the malice directed at the family after the accident was obscene. It had far more to do with envy than it did with a sense of justice. I'm trying to be objective because I see this kind of reaction to wealth even when there is no mangled princess to gawk at. It's becoming a standard argument against the 'tall poppies' and I think it's horse____.

I can agree with that. While I don't think the public should shed a tear for her, or her parents (I think that story's horse____), I think the lashing out at the family and emailing them pictures of the accident was intolerable. It's a hard enough life-lesson to swallow without the public attacking them. Though I also gotta wonder, if it had been someone else's coked-up daughter whose face (or lack thereof) was all over the internet after crashing daddy's sports car, would they feel as strongly as they do about blasting the CHP?

Though to be fair, I don't think it's as much the poor acting out against the rich as it seems. I've rubbed elbows with many wealthy ____s and I can tell you first hand, they don't have much of a conscience either and are more apt to gossip as well. So pigeonholeing the douchery to the poor or less fortunate isn't right either.
No, the anti-rich witchhunting usually comes from the rich (or atleast not the lowest economic rungs). The way it's manifest in the working class is a consequence of how the rich are portrayed from the top. It's often deserved, but what I'm bemoaning isn't so much the people with the money as much as the idea of concept of private wealth in the first place. There is no necessary connection between financial success and amoral behavior. The most envious want there to be a connection, and so do those at the top with no conscience, who feel threatened by the potential of virtuous people reaching those heights. All of it is exemplarly of how crooked the culture has become, and when I see a kid in the middle of it violently lose her life, I can't help but see bigger wheels turning.

It's a lot to ask of someone that young to stand against that kind of machine. Just goes to show how big a person needs to be to not get sucked in, chewed up, and spit out on the side of a highway. I have infinite respect for anyone who can resist it, but when I see the ugliest manifestations of it, short of outright theft, rape or murder, I won't turn up my nose and say, "I told you so."
No, the anti-rich witchhunting usually comes from the rich (or atleast not the lowest economic rungs). The way it's manifest in the working class is a consequence of how the rich are portrayed from the top. It's often deserved, but what I'm bemoaning isn't so much the people with the money as much as the idea of concept of private wealth in the first place. There is no necessary connection between financial success and amoral behavior. The most envious want there to be a connection, and so do those at the top with no conscience, who feel threatened by the potential of virtuous people reaching those heights. All of it is exemplarly of how crooked the culture has become, and when I see a kid in the middle of it violently lose her life, I can't help but see bigger wheels turning.

It's a lot to ask of someone that young to stand against that kind of machine. Just goes to show how big a person needs to be to not get sucked in, chewed up, and spit out on the side of a highway. I have infinite respect for anyone who can resist it, but when I see the ugliest manifestations of it, short of outright theft, rape or murder, I won't turn up my nose and say, "I told you so."

I dunno. Personally, I didn't see anything more than a spoiled girl (which doesn't have to be rich to be spoiled) hopped up on blow, who stole her parents' car, drove like a total ____ing idiot and wrecked it, killing herself and damn near someone else. That could have happened whether she came from Greenwich, New York or the trailer park across town. :huh