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Custom broad walk empire Nucky Thompson
Iris maroon suit
2 inigo head sculpts painted by Paul prentice
Cregg shoes painted by Paul
Magnetic carnation
Tommy gun and stand
Or £700 with just the hatted head sculpt
Iminime dx walking dead Rick Grimes
Comes with box COA is complete had bloody and normal head sculpt
With extra bloody base ball bat £410
Friday the 13th part 3 Jason
Is made of all genuine betomatali parts
Head sculpt and neck piece betomatali
Hockey mask betomatali rare stand winston sculpt
Shoes betomatali
Axe fire poker and spear gun betomatali
All parts above painted by beto aswell
Outfit made by lupitas assistant only 5 mate
Alison comes with metal machete not by Beto
Stand with decal
Hey, is the neck on the Beto Jason one piece w/ the headsculpt or articulated?