Unlike Warner Bros., it doesn't appear as if Fox have any plans to officially release the footage which was leaked from their panel on Saturday. That's understandable in the case of X-Men: Apocalypse, especially as they were using footage from the first five weeks of production, but what we did see in the bootleg version was definitely impressive. To get fans even more excited, director Bryan Singer has teased the appearance of some very familiar costumes in X-Men: Apocalypse.
"I will say that in 'X-Men: Apocalypse,' there is a chance -- without giving anything away -- that you may get closer to seeing what I think, Mr. X-Men News, you are interested in seeing," Singer revealed in an interview with Yahoo! Movies when they asked about the chances of the heroes getting their classic colourful costumes. "I know it's something I've been interested in, I just always wanted to do it the right way." As for how he plans to handle the younger versions of fan-favourite mutants, don't expect just a rehash of what we've seen before, albeit with different faces. "Young Jean, young Scott and young Storm -- and frankly, young Nightcrawler. These are very different characters than they were in the films 'X-Men 1,' "2,' and '3.' They are at times in their lives where they are probably at the most opposite they were, or they were to become. That's kind of a thrill for me, to go back and take characters that I had crafted so many years ago and then flip them completely on their side and show how they evolved and how they began."
Singer also dropped a few new details on Apocalypse, revealing that he doesn't actually see any sort of distinction between humans and mutants; it's all about wiping out the weak. More comments can be found below, but for now, be sure to tell us what kind of costumes you're hoping to see in X-Men: Apocalypse in the usual place! Just don't suggest more black leather though...