This is FoX-men ... there is no guarantee of comic accurate form fitting silver costume.
This is FoX-men ... there is no guarantee of comic accurate form fitting silver costume.
This is FoX-men ... there is no guarantee of comic accurate form fitting silver costume.
This is FoX-men ... there is no guarantee of comic accurate form fitting silver costume.
You can always count on everything being black, with lots of redundant buckles.
I passed on WW in the Big Screen
Smart man.
It deeply saddens me when I think about what this franchise could've, should've and would've been.
I haven't even fully gotten through Apocalypse.
I did love these movies when they first came out and laid the groundwork for all we have today, but the MCU has diminished their worth considerably.
Part of me wants to do an X-marathon including Wolvie flicks to revisit it all again, and the other part of me says "that's a whole lotta time you'll never get back".
10 years ago I would've been doing backflips over the news of a Phoenix movie, and today I can hardly care. Damn shame
I actually find the ending fight the best part of the film, but that's not saying it can hold a candle to X1-2. But that's just me.
The teens were interesting, but the film is such schlock, bogged down with such weird decisions and plot devices to move the plot along.
It didn't seem bad, I just kept throwing it on late night and fell asleep watching it. But that said, if I wasn't so disappointed with how the saga played out, I would've saw Apocalypse multiple times in the theaters as I do with all movies I like. I didn't even check it out once. And this is coming from the only person on the planet who likes/liked X-3![]()
hahahaha yeh you are probably right about that.the only person on the planet who likes/liked X-3![]()
hahahaha yeh you are probably right about that.
As Snake said the end fight is actually quite cool and worth a watch. It adds something new that hasn't been shown before in a CBM (physical and psychic battle occurring simultaneously). Shame the movie is a bit of slog to get to that point though.
I also really liked how DoFP ended and wasn't particularly thrilled with anything that Apocalypse added. For that reason "my canon" is X-men, X2, First Class, DOFP and Logan. All others can be ignored as alternate timelines.
Smart man.
Haha ... if you've seen Captain America first avenger and Thor then you've basically seen it.