No, but now everybody knows you didn't see The Wolverine.![]()
When did I say I did?

No, but now everybody knows you didn't see The Wolverine.![]()
When did I say I did?Tbh waitin to see when it cheap, doesnt mean I cant speculate.
think it was Genesis (Cable's son) who used flesh-eating beetles to strip the Adamantium skin off of Cyber, and he bonded it to Sabretooth. Later, Apocalypse yanked the Adamantium from Sabretooth and put it back in Wolvie (and brainwashed him into being Death).
Sure the lowbrow audience won't care, but there are things to ignore, and there are things that are important to the story that should not be ignored. Wolverine losing the adamantium on his claws was such a crucial aspect to The Wolverine, that ignoring it in DofP, or discounting it as "meh," just to give them back, would be imbecilic.
This is going to be another HFR movie right?
Wasn't it stated in X2 that Adamantium had to be kept boiling because once it hardens it's indestructable. Magneto could bend it, but he couldn't just rip it off Logan or he surely would have on one of the many occasions throughout X1-3 where they fight. I guess they just keep pools of ultra rare boiling metal here and there in case of an emergency.