I don't remember Chris Evans ever receiving massive amounts of hate like Channing Tatum, or being labelled a "bad actor". The success of some of Tatum's films doesn't make him a good actor.
I've always thought Chris Evans was at the least a decent actor in his pre-Cap films, and I'd say he's bordering great as Cap. Channing Tatum on the other hand has been awful in just about every film I've seen him in. He was OK at best in 21 Jump Street, which is considered by most to be his most well-acted performance. Personally I thought he gave a bland and boring performance. Not as bad as his other roles, but nothing special, or even good. He could have been easily replaced by any actor on the planet.
But yeah, do not want Charming Tater (credit to a-dev) in X-men.
Good post Evans isn't a bad actor he just didn't catch his break Tatum is just awful.