The time travel thing in this film could really act as a reboot in the same way that it did for Star Trek. And I suspect it really will, with Jackman possibly being the only holdover.
In all fairness he didnt direct X-3 but it didn't help that Singer made him uninteresting
I'm sensing that people here want more than that. A Star Trek type reboot by way of a time travel plot really should still mean the same universe, with all the same rules and limits as determined by Singer's take on the X-men, just with things playing out slightly differently (Cyclops not dying maybe)
Seems more like people want that left behind completely as was the Burton Batverse and Donner Superverse. They want the comics looked at again and adhered to much more closely, new universe entirely, no carry overs.
I'm sensing that people here want more than that. A Star Trek type reboot by way of a time travel plot really should still mean the same universe, with all the same rules and limits as determined by Singer's take on the X-men, just with things playing out slightly differently (Cyclops not dying maybe)
Seems more like people want that left behind completely as was the Burton Batverse and Donner Superverse. They want the comics looked at again and adhered to much more closely, new universe entirely, no carry overs.
What it is about X3 that certain fans hate so much I do understand the some of the complaints like the number of mutants introduced who only really were present for the sake of some one liners or how they dealt with the phoenix saga, but apart from that I don't really see anything else it still is today the highest grossing x men movie of all time.
If you compare the Xmen movies in general to other comic book adaptations made around the same time you will find that they hold up pretty well. If you compare Fantastic Four or Spiderman for example they follow the comic book to closely as though they are the comic brought to life while the Xmen is a general adaptation.
I think in the post Dark Knight movie world you would need to make the movie more grounded to give it a more broader appeal and maybe that is what Green Lantern suffered from among other things trying to be copy the comic rather then adapting it.
The Amazing Spiderman does a nice job with this transition while still holding on the essence of Spiderman while grounding the movie I think that is what gave it a similar feel like that of the Nolan batman movies .
I am not sure if this new X men movie will do that but I guess we will have to see.
These two posts probably sums up everything. I probably like first class the most because it had no ties what so ever to the others, besides wolverines cameo, and just felt completely fresh and new
These two posts probably sums up everything. I probably like first class the most because it had no ties what so ever to the others, besides wolverines cameo, and just felt completely fresh and new
Only speaking for myself, I hate it because it's a terrible movie. Story, direction/pacing/mood, cinematography, special effects, acting (due, no doubt, to the Rat's direction), none of it worked for me. I didn't care about anything going on, because I didn't care about any of the characters. Which was weird, coming off of X2, which I feel is one of the best comic movies ever made, and starred many of the same actors. Just felt like a DTV-quality movie, that just so happened to be a major theatrical release of a major franchise with big-time actors attached.What it is about X3 that certain fans hate so much. . .
I'm sensing that people here want more than that. A Star Trek type reboot by way of a time travel plot really should still mean the same universe, with all the same rules and limits as determined by Singer's take on the X-men, just with things playing out slightly differently (Cyclops not dying maybe)
Seems more like people want that left behind completely as was the Burton Batverse and Donner Superverse. They want the comics looked at again and adhered to much more closely, new universe entirely, no carry overs.
Well I also feel that First Class was essentially like a reboot, in that we had the same universe, but totally different actors in a totally different time and context, and it did feel fresh and new. With Singer potentially still at the helm instead of Vaughn or another director, you probably will get more of an aesthetic similarity to X1 and X2, but there's opportunity to go into wholly new places with those films. But stepping back a minute, the X-franchise was so over the map, with Origins going back to (I guess?) the early '80s, First Class going to the '60s, and Wolverine and DOFP apparently going to the '70s, that it's hard to think of the franchise as a single, traditional franchise in the way that most are. Particularly when you consider all the different creative teams at work, and continuity problems that already started popping up (like Emma Frost and Sabretooth twice in very different roles/personas). I guess we'll have to wait and see.These two posts probably sums up everything. I probably like first class the most because it had no ties what so ever to the others, besides wolverines cameo, and just felt completely fresh and new
No ties? The whole first sequence is almost exactly the same as X1, and Rebecca Romijn also had a cameo.
I don't view X3 as a horrible movie.
It was ok.
No X1/2, but its no Batman and Robin either.
Well I guess the Schumacher movies are worse if you look at them in a vacuum, but at least they were trying to be a cheesy, over the top, fairly idiotic, absurd spectacle. In that sense, they kind of succeeded, even though they were terrible filmsX3 was trying to be a serious comic film, and was totally mediocre IMO. I'm not sure which is the worst sin.
That part actually made a bit of sense to me, considering how little attention and importance he really received in the first two films. It just punctuated how useless and unimportant he was to the franchise. Turning Cyclops into an unnecessary background character is one decision I really can't agree with Singer on.When a whimpering Cyclops went off and then just randomly died off-screen I realized that the filmmakers truly had no clue of what they were doing in X3.
That part actually made a bit of sense to me, considering how little attention and importance he really received in the first two films. It just punctuated how useless and unimportant he was to the franchise. Turning Cyclops into an unnecessary background character is one decision I really can't agree with Singer on.
that and turning Rogue into Jubilee, I know we talked about it before but those are two main mutants that became useless. I hate that so much
Haven't kept up with this thread really but the final trailer for this is great. I have loved the marketing for it. But I do expect to be disappointed with the final product. I don't know why. Maybe I just want to have that mentality because if I expect awesomeness like the trailers it'll be tough to meet.