X-Men: Days of Future Past

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<----said this was going to be a great movie from the start

Just got home.

It was packed in there, more so than Cap 2, ASM 2 and Godzilla.

What do you know, all that tracking mumbo jumbo was accurate (good job Nova).

It was good, disaster averted.

But, this is NOT the best Superhero movie ever made or an Avengers killer as has been thrown around once the reviews broke.

It was entertaining, never boring, and there was tangible weight to the proceedings.

That being said.

Nothing in this movie had the same impact as seeing the Avengers unite for the first time, Hulk smashing Loki, Cap 2 WS fights, even Godzilla's atomic breath scenes were more exciting for me.

Ana Paquin must feel real good about her Rogue character being combined with Mystique just because JL is now more marketable than she is. :slap

Yes the movie was smart, but it still lacked a big punch, although QS scene was fun. But why was he QS again. :lol

MOS/IM3 keep looking worse and worse.

Yes there is a post credits scene.

1. Cap 2
3. ASM 2

Bottom line: 2014 has been incredible so far.
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Just saw this and loved it! So nice to walk out of an X-Men movie feeling excited. Haven't felt that since X-2. I really enjoyed First Class, just wish Charles and Eric's relationship could have been explored further. But this film felt solid all the way through. Fassbender and McAvoy are excellent! And who would have thought that Quicksilver would turn out so good? The scenes with him are just fun. All in all a solid 8 out 10 from me.
Singer and the whole team knocked this out of the park and finally brought humanity back to the series. As far as I'm concerned, he can have all the underage twinks he wants!
I just got back from seeing it, so good! My favorite X-Men movie and among the best comic book films to date. They had a real tightrope to walk with many different elements they had to weave together and damn if it didn't all work. The worries I had about it being overstuffed, or the time travel being confusing, or the Sentinel designs not working, or Quicksilver being lame happily turned out to be unfounded. All the major players were given time to shine and some scenes (Charles on Charles & the Jim Croce scene) were so remarkable and filled me with the joy that only cinema can. Great film!
What most (haven't gone back and read everything) of you have said...

Best X-Men movie. Period.

I didn't want to say too much, but it looks like others have, this is retcon city, lol. Pretty much what many of us speculated.

My only personal gripe is one character who will remain dead...as a fan of the classic Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne X-Men I'm sad this character is dead in the comics and now won't get any more chance to shine in the movies either... He never really does get much respect for all he's actually done as an X-Man, such a shame.
Can i ask is Cable in this ? I Know Bishop is, Great to hear everybody Loving it so far.Wish I could've went to midnight show premier tonight. Midnight Crowds are the best showings.
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