"Where are the Avengers?" is the automatic go to for a complaint when it comes to the MCU solos, and the obvious answer is "Waiting for Avengers 2" but in story in Cap 2 it makes perfect sense why he doesn't attempt to recruit them. With Hydra/SHIELD watching them it makes sense for Steve to seek out someone like Sam Wilson, who wouldn't be on the radar. Tony is high profile and was no doubt being watched, (same with the other Avengers). Hulk is too unstable for the mission Steve had to carry out. TWS takes place over a few day, anyway. There would be very little time to involve these people.
Black Widow never faked her death. By faking his Fury assured they wouldn't keep coming after him. Being a part of that meeting is as easy Natasha intercepting the lady at the airport. Natasha even mentions the airport in her conversation with the rest of the council.
None of those things are anywhere near the level of Kitty having time traveling abilities she was never shown to have in the previous X-Men films so that they could get the Wolverine character back in time; Magneto not being able to stop ONE bullet so that he ends up in a prison for ten years since those ten years have to be left behind to show the angsty Xavier arc of him having nothing and being unable to use his powers (where were the mutants too young to go to war that should've still been in the school?) and it would've made Charles look bad if he were choosing to forgo his powers so that he could walk while Magneto was out wrecking havoc. And the idea that SO much changed within the timeline of the previous original timeline films that everything is perfect at the end when Wolverine wakes up.
As far as Cap 2 not being "groundbreaking" or "new" -very few movies are. What it did was take its story and characters and execute its premise like a well oiled machine with top notching directing and action along for the ride.
The plane scene is DOFP is great, but one scene doesn't make a movie. And the set up felt too artificial for me to truly enjoy it, beyond greatly admiring Fassbender's incredible acting talent.
How is Kitty’s powers evolving a problem? That part was almost the same as the comics.
We didn’t see what happened during the JFK assassination, so again how is that a problem? Hell, Magneto didn’t even stop Raven’s bullet at the end of DOFP that went through his neck, anything could have happened to him during the JFK assassination, maybe he tripped, maybe someone farted right when the bullet went off and distracted him, that moment before the story is left up to our imagination and my guess is he was distracted, and had to find the shooter in an overly crowded/defended public event.
Have to watch the movie again, but I don’t believe Charles was walking around the school when it was it up, he started taking Hank’s spinal treatment medicine once the school closed down, that was pretty much the last thing he had keeping him motivated, and once the school closed he snapped and went into his depression.
I’m sure most of his students at that time were young adults, but my guess for the ones that were too young to go to war either went into hiding, or like Erik described in the plane scene, they probably were taken by the government and subjected to tests and experiments by Trask.

Both plot devices served the EXACT SAME purpose.
DOFP uses it for more than just bringing back two dead characters who they probably could have brought back without a time travel story, they mainly used it because they wanted to combine both casts for box office reasons, and its one of the best X-Men stories of all time.
@Josette Hey, I'm not apart of this debate! The only superhero movies that I'm passionate about are the Nolan Batman movies, so I don't care what people like. I didn't even fully watch any of the Marvel movies, except the first Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America until this year. I loved the first Iron Man (still do!), but I got sick of the rest being so cookie cutter. I tried watching the Avengers in 2012 on DVD, because of the high praise, but I shut if off, because I was so bored.
I was just trying to be positive about the movie that the thread is about.
I agree, Iron Man is still the best movie MCU film to date.