I don’t know really, to me it was just the typical superhero film with more focus on style than substance.
I’m big on great performances, and there really wasn’t any in the movie, granted all the actors gave their best performances of these characters so far compared to the rest of the films they’ve been in but Chris Evans just isn’t Captain America to me, he has the look, but he doesn’t have that all-American authoritative stereotypical leading man voice that I always associated with Cap. Scarlet is absolutely horrible as Black Widow in my opinion, I give the Russo Bros credit for finally making her more than a one dimensional character but her character still had a decent amount of badass cliche dialogue that usually takes me out of the movie, similar to Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique in DOFP actually, they come off as trying to hard be tough more than actually being tough. Samuel Jackson was serviceable enough as Nick Fury, and I thought the Falcon was written better than Anthony Mackie performed him. Winter Soldier was a cool villain, but thats really it, Marvel still needs work on developing more interesting villains.
The movie was pretty predictable, and the 3rd act kind of went Michael Bay. I just wish Marvel would start utilizing these actor’s talents, I would have preferred to see a lot more scenes like the Peggy scene, show Cap coping with being in a new world where almost everyone he ever knew is dead. The movie did have a few of those kind of scenes but definitely not enough.
The action was incredible though, and I loved the visual style of the film. Thinking about it, I give it a 7.5/10, I thought it was MCU third best film so far, I rank it only behind Iron Man, and Guardians which I felt was slightly better than TWS.