X-Men: Days of Future Past

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It's pretty sad when people start judging someone's artistic integrity when he's made an entire career and reputation out of doing films on subjects that are dear to him.

Nolan may sell out one day - but that day hasn't come yet.

You may or may not like TDKR, but don't stoop to such depths to justify your dislike for it

No? His names plastered all over Man of Steel stuff for what reason?
Well I'm not about to get drawn into a debate with Nolan's number one fan here since I already know theres no reasoning with Nolan fans, but yes, I believe and have believed since production his heart was not in this one. He didn't want to play with his Batman toys anymore after Heath died and I believe he did it avoid backlash from walking away. Dressing up like Joker to kill babies, having RT have to close comments for the first time ever, these aren't rational people. After seeing the movie 3 times now, I not only have no desire to ever watch it again, I can safely say that it is not the technicaly proficient director at work I've come to know since long before BB came out.

I felt his 3rd movie was alot like IronMan 3, alot of ambition and not a good enough execution. Was this due to Nolan being tired of the franchise? Only he knows, but I liked the movie, I just felt there was alot of things that should have been more polished. Maybe you're right, maybe thats why he bowed out on MoS to "finish" Bats3, that way he wasn't hooking himself into another superhero franchise right off the bat. I wouldn't really blame him for wanting out. This is coming from a Batman fan, not a Nolan disciple, I could care less about most of his movies.
Yes. But...

I'm talking about the little things. They don't matter. If the film is better having character love X vs. loving character love Y...then is it really that big of a deal? Does it really hurt the overall film? Or is it just nerdy nitpicking?

On that we agree. I like changes like that as long as you give me an organic reason for the change in your story. If it improves the story, I will stand by it whether it's like the original or not. I think we agree on this one we just get to the same point differently.:duff
Shoehorning Quicksilver into this movie is a blatant and backhanded way of screwing with the Avengers, which is a pretty low move on Fox/Singer's part. Given how many returning actors are already in this thing (10+) exactly how much screen time will QS get. Like a quick intro, a couple of sitting around shots and one hero moment (similar to Igor in IM3). Marvel should stick to its guns and give Fox the old FU, we're going to do Quicksilver right and not make it a last minute add while the movie is already shooting. For crying out loud, that means No wonder the studios try to keep story ideas under wraps. I'm sure had this not leaked there would have been no Quicksilver, and tomorrow FOX/Singer will probably announce Scarlet Witch casting. The worms. In many ways I hope the movie fails so Marvel can get the license back. Apparently they aren't getting Spider-man anytime soon unless they wrest it from Sony's cold, dead hands.
Yeah, its definitely just a quick add in to prevent Marvel Studios from controlling them. Quite a low move, but frankly, Magneto's kids should stick to the franchise their Daddy's in. I don't know what their backstory would have been in Avengers 2 since they couldn't have been Magneto's kids.
Shoehorning Quicksilver into this movie is a blatant and backhanded way of screwing with the Avengers, which is a pretty low move on Fox/Singer's part. Given how many returning actors are already in this thing (10+) exactly how much screen time will QS get. Like a quick intro, a couple of sitting around shots and one hero moment (similar to Igor in IM3). Marvel should stick to its guns and give Fox the old FU, we're going to do Quicksilver right and not make it a last minute add while the movie is already shooting. For crying out loud, that means No wonder the studios try to keep story ideas under wraps. I'm sure had this not leaked there would have been no Quicksilver, and tomorrow FOX/Singer will probably announce Scarlet Witch casting. The worms. In many ways I hope the movie fails so Marvel can get the license back. Apparently they aren't getting Spider-man anytime soon unless they wrest it from Sony's cold, dead hands.

You aren't alone in thinking that.
Which is probably why Singers tweet about Quicksilver has been pulled.
In many ways I hope the movie fails so Marvel can get the license back.


Apparently they aren't getting Spider-man anytime soon unless they wrest it from Sony's cold, dead hands.

:yess: :yess: :yess:

Yeah, its definitely just a quick add in to prevent Marvel Studios from controlling them. Quite a low move, but frankly, Magneto's kids should stick to the franchise their Daddy's in. I don't know what their backstory would have been in Avengers 2 since they couldn't have been Magneto's kids.

Shoehorning Quicksilver into this movie is a blatant and backhanded way of screwing with the Avengers, which is a pretty low move on Fox/Singer's part.

One is a 2014 movie which has been actively casting for the role of Quicksilver, has a completed scripts and is filming.

The other is a 2015 movie which isn't casting, ins't filming, hasn't got a completed script and only mentioned they might consider using a "brother & sister duo".

It's obvious who has the better claim :lecture
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I've got absolutely no love for Singer or his take on X-Men. I think the films were bland and basically not very exciting.
I don't consider them true 'Marvel' superhero films at all so him using characters potentially used in Avengers, doesn't bother me in the slightest.
I long for the day all the key Marvel roster are all back under one studio so we can finally have some epic cross overs...Avengers-FF-X-Men and Spidey all battling Thanos and Galactus :horror
That's selling out? He was involved in writing the story.

And just to spell out what I meant by 'selling out'
I mean doing a film (as Director) for commercial reasons vs artistic ones.

I believe Irish actually said that it was Goyer and Jonah that were involved with the writing of the story.

Nolan's name is literally just attached as "Producer". :lol

I wouldn't call that "selling out", just easy money.
It does seem spiteful and petty to add QS five minutes after Whedon mentions him.

Consider I doubt X:FC-DOFP will make $1.5B Fox is acting stupid digging trenches between their film universe and Marvel.

Sony could use a few dollars. If they don't want to let go of Spidey they could at least cooperate with Marvel and school Fox in how grownups do business. Having Garfield suit up and appear in A2 would be epic AND Sony would get a nice payday.
Wouldn't make sense for his character, he's a Teenager in his first year as Spider-Man, too green for a team-up. And Avengers are going up against an Alien warlord, that's not Spidey's league.

After a few films being solo it'd make sense to join a team like New Avengers, but doesn't now.

FYI Whedon never mentioned Quicksilver. He said "brother and sister".

Fox isn't digging trenches, it's business as usual for their film universe which they've been building for 13 years, thats 7 years longer than Marvels universe, i don't get the anger :dunno

This conspiracy of Fox trying to screw Marvel is all conjecture.
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Wouldn't make sense for his character, he's a Teenager in his first year as Spider-Man, too green for a team-up. And Avengers are going up against an Alien warlord, that's not Spidey's league.

After a few films being solo it'd make sense to join a team like New Avengers, but doesn't now.

FYI Whedon never mentioned Quicksilver. He said "brother and sister".

Fox isn't digging trenches, it's business as usual for their film universe which they've been building for 13 years, thats 7 years longer than Marvels universe, i don't get the anger :dunno

This conspiracy of Fox trying to screw Marvel is all conjecture.

FYI Whedon confirmed he's been talking about Quick silver and Scarlett Witch. Then, less than a week later, Singer suddenly announces that Quicksilver is in his movie too. in a somewhat antagonizing tweet that has since been pulled. Of course There' an air of conjecture here...I say it's calling a spade a spade.

Joss Whedon is certainly keeping busy with Marvel. Having written and directed the mega-blockbuster, The Avengers, he is now launching Marvel’s first live-action TV show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., while also preparing Marvel's The Avengers 2.

I spoke to Whedon this week at ABC’s Upfront, where S.H.I.E.L.D. was being announced and asked him a couple of questions about Avengers 2 and some of the characters in it.

Whedon had previously alluded to a brother/sister duo being in the film, which EW later said was indeed Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. When I brought up Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch to Whedon, he confirmed they were the characters in question, explaining, “You know, they had a rough beginning. They’re interesting to me because they sort of represent the part of the world that wouldn’t necessarily agree with The Avengers. So they’re not there to make things easier. I’m not putting any characters in the movie that will make things easier.”

Wouldn't make sense for his character, he's a Teenager in his first year as Spider-Man, too green for a team-up. And Avengers are going up against an Alien warlord, that's not Spidey's league.

After a few films being solo it'd make sense to join a team like New Avengers, but doesn't now.

FYI Whedon never mentioned Quicksilver. He said "brother and sister".

Fox isn't digging trenches, it's business as usual for their film universe which they've been building for 13 years, thats 7 years longer than Marvels universe, i don't get the anger :dunno

This conspiracy of Fox trying to screw Marvel is all conjecture.

Actually, both Whedon and Feige have confirmed it.

The rest of your crap is just your conjecture as well.

Nova know it all wrong as usual. :lecture
Yet he removed this announcement from his twitter feed...hmmmm....:wink1:

I would hope this would be because he hopes to work out a deal with Marvel. This could be epic if Days handled a young version of the siblings and Avengers had them as a more seasoned group. Kind of like when there was the rumor of Oscorp being included in the Manhattan skyline on Avengers.

Let the little basement dwelling kiddies worry about which company has been making movies longer, I'd like to see some cohesion between the two.
Nova, what's so wrong about Marvel getting back all the movie rights to their characters?

They'd have to reboot X-Men and Spider-Man or force them to fit with Marvels universe which wouldn't work. I've liked 6/8 of the X-Men & Spider-Man movies so am perfectly happy with them in their current series.

If they are all part lf the same universe then un-related characters will wander into each others movies for the sake of showing they are connected even if it comes at the expense of the story and characters athand. (IM2)

There would be a rush to connect everyone together because they can and this would be done at the expense of telling the individual characters stories like they did with Cap being frizen at the end and joning SHIELD witjout the second movie being either in WWII or about adjusting to the future and finding out who SHIELD wre before jumping on board.

I have no objection to a team-up movie in addition to solo movies that exist on their own to tell the title character and supporting characters stories. If it makes sense or where the character are in their stories and doesn't include shoehorned un-related characters for the sake of connectivity.

For instance Spidey in Avengers would be fine for Tobey's Spidey as he was established in his Hero career. But Garfields Spidey is too young to be teaming up and taking on Aliens, it doesn't fit yet, he has to have time to grow in his solo movies and tell stories involving him and his supporting characters not other characters.

X-Men and Avengers have nearly always been seperate in the comics, and for the better of each group. Thrusting them all together isn't right for the characters and stories, it's just for nergasms of seeing them on-acreen together.


if Guardians of the Galaxy can show Marvel Studios is capable of telling a story that doesn't force SHIELD or Avengers into it then i'd be fine with them having other characters as then i'd know they wouldn't force Nick Fury into an X-Men movie or SHIELD into the Fantastic Fours life just fir the sake of it
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If they are all part lf the same universe then un-related characters will wander into each others movies for the sake of showing they are connected even if it comes at the expense of the story and characters athand. (IM2)

There would be a rush to connect everyone together because they can and this would be done at the expense of telling the individual characters stories like they did with Cap.

I have no objection to a team-up movie in addition to solo movies that exist on their own to tell the title character and supporting characters stories. If it makes sense or where the character are in their stories and doesn't include shoehorned un-related characters for the sake of connectivity.

For instance Spidey in Avengers would be fine for Tobey's Spidey as he was established in his Hero career. But Garfields Spidey is too young to be teaming up and taking on Aliens, it doesn't fit yet, he has to have time to grow in his solo movies and tell stories involving him and his supporting characters not other characters.

Did you see the Avengers Earths mightiest heroes episode where Spidey made an appearance? It was the perfect way to do it. He's young, new to being a superhero, and kind of looks up to the established Avengers. It's a really good way to bring him in. Plus it made way for this funny scene :lol


Phase two seems to have a lot more freedom now than Phase 1. IM3 had but a few nods to avengers, and most of em were simple mentions that barely affected the story. Keep it like this, little cameos and what not and there would be no problem with joining every universe.