Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
You should make fun of them when they don't know the difference between Marvel and DC.
I've seen loads of comments on youtube saying "Why wasn't Batman in The Avengers"

You should make fun of them when they don't know the difference between Marvel and DC.
You should make fun of them when they don't know the difference between Marvel and DC
Holocaust hookup?
Bad, Bio....that's in poor taste.
I've seen loads of comments on youtube saying "Why wasn't Batman in The Avengers"![]()
I hope they stick with Black Panther but give him a white wife.
That didn't work for cheerios...I'd hate to see how this goes over![]()
Have you seen the "Kids react to Cheerios Commercial"?
I hope they stick with Black Panther but give him a white wife.
This is why i don't get the hate against Singer.
He made good movies based on X-Men, he had to condense the source material down to a two hour movie, so he mixed about the characters to bring in some of the more popular ones like Wolverine and Storm and had to re-imagine the rainbow coloured costumes to a unifying "team" look that people could accept without laughing. It was only when he left that the franchise took a nose-dive.
The thing i find mindboggling is how both Singer and Whedon assigned the most signifcant scenes to those who aren't the leaders of each repective tesm and one is condemned for doing it while they other is celebrated.
I'm not talking about each movies quality, It's not an Avengers vs X-Men thing, just how the lead characters are swapped and each is received differently by the community
People seem to hate Singer for making Wolverine the focal character of the X-Men movies instead of Cyclops, but don't hate Whedon for making Iron Man the focal character of the Avengers movies* instead of Cap.
It's the exact same situation, both movies were positiveley received by audiences, both switched the leaders to the most popular characters and both actors (Jackman & RDJ) are loved the roles yet one director is slammed for the move and the other isn't
*Iron Man got the most significant scenes, he was the one who walked into the briefing room and explain what Loki was looking for, he was the one to believe in Banner, he was the one who titled them the Avengers and went face to face with the bad guy. He was the one to sacrificed himself at the end.
I hope they give him a white husband, played by Andrew Garfield.
Whedon gets the advantage of having all of his main characters appearing in separate solo films prior to Avengers. He also has the advantage of making his film over a decade after Singer made his first X-Men film. Its not entirely equal footing unfortunately for Singer. Whedon gets the advantage of building off of something other people already started (RDJ's Stark) whereas Singer had to start with nothing.
Look, the ship started to steer in the right direction in XM:FC, hopefully DoFP brings it back up to where I think we'd all want it to be. I think most people just want a good X-Men film, regardless of who makes it. I think a smaller portion of the fanbase wants all the franchises under the same studio so they can get more cross-over films. But really, do we want to see AvX condensed into a 2 1/2 hour movie?