X-MEN Team setups

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It's on page 1. You liked the Bowen red/blue Beast.

My bad :) It was such a long time ago!!!

I got Jean today!
Holy crap, I love it. My wife loves it too. Really great sculpt. If this was a 1/4 scale I think it would sell like hotcakes. Its the Jean that should replace the SS version :)
I also added a shot of my collection. I have more pieces coming in still, so the bottom left case will be all villains. Superman and spidey will sit on top of the shelves. I have one empty Detolf for some Dragons Crown figures I have on the way.
PS: There is no direct light from the windows. I live in a apartment complex and am facing away from the sun.

Jean Grey:
Sculpt: 10
Paints: 10
Presence: 10
Overall: 10 (Love it! I would recommend this for any Xmen collection.)

Holy sheep! Look at all those awesome X-men pieces you got over the last two months. What are you going to do after completing the teams, cold turkey?
Holy sheep! Look at all those awesome X-men pieces you got over the last two months. What are you going to do after completing the teams, cold turkey?

I'm a bit of a completest lol.
I don't know, I still have PO's coming, and I will probably keep buying Xmen pieces if Bowen resigns a contract with Marvel. No cold Turkey!!!
I'm a bit of a completest lol.
I don't know, I still have PO's coming, and I will probably keep buying Xmen pieces if Bowen resigns a contract with Marvel. No cold Turkey!!!

I'm hoping Bowen continues creating Marvel pieces. My only hope of assembling a 90's X-Force team - aside from costly commissions that is! ;)
I painted the base for Archangel tonight. Wanted it to be darker and more ominous I feel like it fits the character better.
I won't be getting any new Xmen pieces for a couple weeks :(
I can't wait until the next arrives though! Also the reveals at SDCC!

I would kill to get these two done in premium format.

Terrific job assembling an epic cast of X Men. You should create a list for detailed reference if anyone is looking to build the same collection now that you have completed it.

I bumbled back in here because I am debating the SS Sentinel and what scale/X Men statues would create that look best.
Awesome X-men lineup man! I'm going to put together my xmen PF's soon and hopefully get some decent pics. It won't be as good as darthstitch's because I don't have Wolverine:slap I'm hoping to land the XM wolfie! Still, really love the Koto /Bowen lineup you have going. That Bishop is incredible. Your repaints are excellent as well man!
Thanks for bumping the thread, and the compliments! :)
I plan on trying to get that XM Wolvie also!
I got back from vacation and came home to m new Storm and Apoc!
The Gold team is now complete. It took multiple tries over the weekend to get this display to fit in the Besta. I probably spent 5 hours total rearranging it lol. Archangel, Iceman, Bishop, and Colossus are oversized, so it was very difficult... but worth it!
Kotos announcement of Rogue is fragging awesome! I can't wait. I have a feeling Jubilee will never be done, but I will just wait it out.

Sculpt: 7 (Good but plain)
Paints: 9
Presence: 6
Overall: 7 (Good statue and the best Storm to date IMHO. I like action poses and the white costume better, but I got a pretty good deal.)

Sculpt: 9 ( Fantastic, but I wish it had a little more asymmetry to it.)
Paints: 10
Presence: 10
Overall: 10 (I own both Sideshow and this.... I like this one better. It's wayyy smaller, but the paint and design is more what I grew up with.)

Iceman ( I forgot to do a review!):
Sculpt: 9
Paints: 5 (I wish there was better Ice effects on the base and maybe even some paint on Iceman.)
Presence: 7
Overall: 7 (Best Iceman Available, and I got him for a great deal since he was repaired. Can't even tell unless I tell people.)

If someone really is interested in building this setup, here is my list, from favorite to least :)

Koto Gambit
Koto Colossus
Koto Archangel
Bowen Jean Grey
Koto Psylocke
Koto Wolverine
Bowen Bishop
Koto Cyclops
Bowen Action Beast Xmen
Bowen Storm Museum Pose
Iceman Action Clear Variant
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What is up exactly with these licensing issues? Same old fox bs? Any news regarding it
Here's my lineup! Ignore the disgusting blinds behind them:lol


Nice! I know I hate my blinds too.

I really wish all the PF's had more interesting bases. I like Cyclops and Storm's. Storm is actually my favorite out of all the PF's Sideshow put out.