Boba Ben
Super Freak
Love that shot. One of my faves of yours, despite my lack of interest in owning the B&W '55-ers. The colored versions, however...
I've got the colorized versions. 1954 too.
Love that shot. One of my faves of yours, despite my lack of interest in owning the B&W '55-ers. The colored versions, however...
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X-Plus Toho 30cm Series Godzilla 1964 and Large Monster Series Mothra imago 1961.
Hope the vinyl quality hasn't changed since then.
I've got the colorized versions. 1954 too.
I've stuck with the 25 cm line, myself. If it can't fit in my display case I try not to pull the trigger, lol. Thanks for the thread, John!
As a general question to X-Plus collectors: How do you deal with the whole hair dryer / tail issue? I swear, I only have 3 figures right now, but after finally getting the tails in each time, I'm almost ready to give up X-Plus all together. It stresses me out to no end. I mean they're so expensive, and I'm sitting there softening the vinyl and then trying to mash it into the body cavity while worrying about the paint job, the effects of heat on any kind of finish that might be on them, ect. Oy. The Godzilla '75 was probably the worst. It looks fine now, but I feel like my wrestling match with it tainted it a bit. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I actually did contemplate buying another one so I could 'get it right'.
Fortunately, my brain quiets down after a couple of days and I come to my senses, lol.
As a general question to X-Plus collectors: How do you deal with the whole hair dryer / tail issue?
Thank you guys so much for the tips!
Though now that I realize I've been doing it 'wrong' this whole time, the urge to re-buy and start all over is creeping in...
This does remind me - John I've been meaning to write into KaijuAddicts and suggest a 'Caring for your X-Plus Collection' article covering things just like this, as well as display ideas and cleaning / storage of vinyl figures. I think it'd be a great resource for anyone collecting various G-related vinyl. (Or any vinyl figures for that matter.) Anyways, love the site!
I made the same mistake on my first couple X-Plus figures. By heating the tail end, the vinyl "frill" that goes into the hole would bend and the tail wouldn't be completely secure.
If you want to reattach the tails properly, here's what I personally did: I took the tail out, ran cold water over the frill while reshaping it to stick out with my fingers, then stuffed a towel into the tail to keep the frill from bending back inwards. To speed up the cooldown and make sure the frill was repositioned the way it used to be, I then put it in the freezer with the towel still jammed inside. After a few minutes, I took it out, heated the rear of the body instead, and followed through with the usual twisting method. After that I placed the whole figure in the freezer just to make sure that being plugged into the hole didn't cause the frill to re-bend.
X-Plus makes amazing Godzilla Figures. Best out there but definitely expensive and dangerous to get into.
My wife may kill me too. First Hot Toys and now THIS?! Ouch.....
And I already missed some of my favorite suits from the past years. Their prices are equivalent to after market HT stuff! It may be a long time coming before I can get all the ones I want. And no way would I ever be a completist now.
For starts, I'll probably start off with G 74, G 68, and maybe 64. Just hoping I can find them at reasonable prices. And even more... re-releases.
My wife may kill me too. First Hot Toys and now THIS?! Ouch.....
The 30cm Series Godzilla 1968 is planned for a North America re-release by Diamond. No date yet. But I have a page on Kaiju Addicts just for keeping track of the Diamond re-issues: Diamond's prices are less expensive than the original runs, and ridiculously cheaper than the aftermarket originals. Watch that page!
I believe this should give you an idea of wich 30cm figures Diamond plans to reissue. The other thing to keep in mind, is the scale difference between the Large Monster Series and the 30cm line. If you're like me and love seeing the size difference, then you kinda have to pick one and stick with it. (Or at least that's my feeling.)
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