Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reaches 54%

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overall I'd bet that number is exagerrated.
Just like with SS product, when some pieces go wrong, it could be less than 5% bad product, but those 5% would make up 90% of the posts in a thread about that product with complaints while the people happy with theirs sit quiet.

At least id like to think that fail rate isnt anywhere near that number....

I don't know how that # couldn't be accurate as I've gone through 3 systems. All of which died within 2 years of purchasing them!

And I take good care of them. Make sure they are well ventilated, don't play them for hours on end, etc.

Didn't help...
I don't know how that # couldn't be accurate as I've gone through 3 systems. All of which died within 2 years of purchasing them!

And I take good care of them. Make sure they are well ventilated, don't play them for hours on end, etc.

Didn't help...

wow 3 systems!! if the xbox went on me I would be pissed! I'm not sure i'd buy 2 more...:horror

Are you kidding me? Of course it still works. It's Nintendo. :lol
I've never ever had an Nintendo Product die on me. I've drop some of my Gameboys (ie: GameBoy, GB Color, GBA and NDS) on almost any type of surface you can think of and they all work still to this day. Why? Because it's Nintendo...
Now You're Playing with POWER!:emperor:emperor:emperor​

That said the original Xbox was a Tank as well. I had drunken friends fall on it and it still works... today. There was even a story on the News of someone shooting one and it still works. Unlike the 360. But I guess they wanted to follow the PS2 game plan. Release a easy to break Console so you can get people to buy a new one. Atleast MS is nice about their RROD Warranty, you don't even need a reciept.
My standard Xbox has had a broken (or maybe just dirty) DVD drive for about 2 years and it still plays games. When I first turn it on it says it can't read the disk but after I turn it off and turn it back on it works flawlessly.
My 360 Elite died a few months ago. The replacement/repair process was pretty fast, but I can no longer say that I've been lucky enough to avoid the red ring of death.

Of course, my PS3 crashed first and wasn't under warranty, so I do give Microsoft points for fixing the problem at their expense--something Sony didn't do.
My 360 Elite died a few months ago. The replacement/repair process was pretty fast, but I can no longer say that I've been lucky enough to avoid the red ring of death.

Of course, my PS3 crashed first and wasn't under warranty, so I do give Microsoft points for fixing the problem at their expense--something Sony didn't do.

My 360 is two months shy of 3 years old. In the past year, it was making loud fan noises and I would get an E78 (or 68 or something like that) error the first time I turned it on, but a power cycle would fix it and it would be fine. Then, a couple of months ago, I got the RRoD... or so I thought. I had an Intercooler (2nd generation) on my 360 and it went bad. Took it off and no more Exx errors on boot, ran quite, etc. That is, until last week, when I got the real RRoD!!! I know there is a lot of debate about the Intercooler, but I truly believe it kept my 360 alive for 3 years, because once it was gone... RROD!!!
Currently on my 5th Xbox. Bought my first one in 2006.

Just out of intrest is your 360 out in the open or in a unit?

I only ask as both mine are out in the open and have been fine since i bought them (1 is a launch 360) and my brothers were in a unit that looked like it let enough air in but he had 2 break on him so now his is out in the open and has been running perfect for ages.