XBOX 360 or PS3?

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I'm considering whether or not to keep ol' Ben Grimm and if I cancel I might throw the funds towards one of these two systems soooooo....if one was pitted against the other which would you choose?

Just wondering....see if my decision is made any easier...
Glad you posted this, I've been considering which one I would rather have as well but don't know enough to make an informed decision. Are you leaning towards one or the other? I'm leaning towards the PS3 but its just because I have a PS2 already.
I am too only because I have PS2 and never had an XBOX but a few friends love their XBOXs and say that the Live function really makes it unique....I'm still torn though....
Yeah the Live sounds neat, but I'm technologically impaired so I don't know if I would use that function. :lol
I'll try and be unbiased in this recommendation

But anyway.

For Xbox--It has Xbox Live which is unequaled in online experiences, yes it costs $50 for a year, but I paid that a long time ago and don't feel bad about it, and that's extremely cheap compared to many other services that people pay for.
HD Graphics--it has some really great looking games on it--Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, etc.
Most games are made for Xbox 360--most of the time a game will be made on both systems, and it's got some great exclusives.
Downloads--download arcade games for your casual market fix, plus movie rentals, buy TV shows, free game demos and trailers. It can also connect to your computer, so if you have them in different rooms and want to send a video or music or something to your XBox to play on the big screen--you can.
Elite system has lots of harddrive space too.
It comes with all of the cables you need (unlike the PS3).
Small thing but--batteries last longer in the XBox controllers than in PS3 or Wii.

Disadvantages--Prone to overheating, failure rate was 30%, brought down to 16% since they started introducing a new chipset and heatsink, with plans to improve (all caused by Microsoft trying to get it out earlier than the others).
It could be more expensive than the PS3--the Elite is $450 compared to the PS3 40GB which is $399, but there are cheaper systems for the Xbox, with the Premium system with 20GB hard drive at $350 (expected to move up to 60GB soon) and then the Core system which is $280 but has no hard drive (don't recommend that).

As for PS3--it's got a free online system, but it's definitely not as good as Xbox Live, although they will be getting the new Home feature which looks pretty cool. HD Graphics with the potential to be better than what is possible on the 360. Blu-Ray--you know about that. Metal Gear Solid 4--I don't care about it but you might+several other exclusives that are supposed to be good--Resistance 2-Killzone 2-Final Fantasy 13. It's controls aren't as good as the Xbox controller, although it has motion control similar to the Wii controller, but definitely not as good as that either--No rumble either, although they are bringing an updated controller with rumble but it most likely won't be packaged with the console when it comes to the US. It's got an online store similar to the Xbox Marketplace, but I wouldn't say it's as good. It also can hook up to your PSP, to where with a few games you can actually play the PS3 game on your PSP using Wi-fi---and Wi-Fi is standard with the PS3.

The PS3 has the potential to be good, but right now there isn't as much that makes it worth the buy other than a few games and Blu-Ray. It's got Uncharted, and Warhawk. There's a few other games you might like but aren't really all that amazing like Heavenly Sword or Lair.

Personally I would say the Xbox, because of how much replayability there is with Live and how you'll always have a good game option. For the PS3--I'd like to see it drop maybe $50 and then I think it'd be fine.
What purpose does the hard drive serve? :eek:

download game demo's, movies, store your music, download games, additional stuff for games you buy, etc.

i'd go with the 360 for the games or ps3 for the blu-ray player. other than that they both are very similar with their other functions.

the free ps3 online system can't compare with Xbox Live(i'd pay for Live over having sony's for free) but the ps3's online system will get you online, etc.

i don't have a ps3 yet but will get one later this year; i have used my friend's ps3 so i know what it's about and it's a nice system but the games can't compare with what the 360 has out currently but check out the games they both have now and will have in the future and figure out what type games you like to know which has the games you want.
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I say go with PS3. Sure it may not have Xbox live, but online play is still very functional and does it's job. not to mention youre basically getting a free blu-ray player which we all know will be useful in the years to come. If you do get a 360 make sure you pick up a warranty plan which will probably run you another $60+ dollars.... I personally know 6 people whos 360s have burnt out and they were screwed.

Having owned almost every console made over the years including the PS3 and Xbox 360 I feel that I can be a pretty good judge.

I could go on about the pros and cons of both systems but I will sum it up with one simple thing. It is my PS3 that gets turned on the most these days.

Whether it is for playing music, viewing videos or photos, either stored in the PS3's built in hard drive or streamed from my computer or through a portable storage device, the PS3 excels at them all. Oh, and it plays great games too. :rock

BTW, the PS3 has an absolutely fanastic way of viewing photos, with many different ways to look at photos as sideshows. You have to see it to believe it.

I travel all over the world often for work and therefore take many photos. To be able to display these photos immediately to my family and friends on a plasma screen in hi defenition as a richly artistic slideshow with music playing from my hard drive is very convenient. In fact a few of my friends have bought PS3 mainly for this feature.

Don't forget that the PS3 also has its own web browser so you can surf the net (and the Sideshow Freaks forum), unlike the Xbox 360. Also don't forget "folding @ home", so you can sleep at night knowing that you have contributed to the worldwide fight against cancer, using the power of the PS3 to help calculate complex calculations for science.

If you like a bit of a personal touch, the PS3 now has customised themes and icons that you can get for free or make yourself. Xbox 360 has themes, but you have to pay for most of them apart from some background changes.

Also the PSP remote play is a feature I use daily as well. Being able to use most of the PS3 features on the PSP, I can sit in another room and stream videos, photos and music from my PS3 onto my PSP. This comes in handy if I am downloading a demo on PS3 as I can view the download rate on my PSP without having to have my plama tv on.

Don't forget Blu Ray, now that the silly war is over :) Being able to use the PS3 as a high def movie player means that I can save a bit of shelf space as well. I didn't buy the PS3 specifically to be a blu ray player, but having it is an added bonus.

Please be aware that I also own an Xbox 360 (and I love it too) so I am not a PS3 "Fanboy" , however the 360 only gets turned on to play games, and single player games only at that . I refuse to renew my LIVE subscription to pay for a service that Sony provides for free on their system. To be able to play multiplayer games like Warhawk, Resistance, Motorstorm and many others for free is an added bonus as well.

The PS3 feels like a centre hub of my entertainment room. It controls 99% of the reasons that I turn my Plasma Television on for. It is nice and quiet when on unlike the noisy wirr of the Xbox 360, I know it won't break down, looks sleek and classy and it is continually evolving everyday with many amazing features still to come.

Just my view :) Hope this helps

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If you are interested in the Blu-ray drive then go with the PS3, but if you are concerned with games, the live experience, etc. then I can honestly say that I use my 360 about twenty times as much as my PS3. I much prefer the 360 interface and have downloaded a lot of content from Xbox live--videos, movies, etc. and use it to play back music and view pictures and other media related stuff. Both systems do it (although I don't think you can download full length movies in high def with the PS3 like you can with the 360), but I personally prefer the way the 360 operates, and I like the 120 gig hard drive.
I have both and have to say I use the PS3 more.

In terms of games its a matter of taste. The interface and games all feel a bit more grown up to me.

There are a few games on the 360 that are great and unique like Gears of War and BioShock but PS3 has some great ones as well. I enjoy a lot of the unique games I've downloaded from the PS3 online store. I recommend PixelJunk Monsters and Everyday Shooter.

I also absolutely love the PS3 games Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, and am a big Resistance fan.

If you have an HD tv the benefits of the built in Blu-Ray player cannot be denied.

They're both great systems but I'm very happy to be a PS3 owner. That being said, you're going to have a blast no matter which you choose.
I did enjoy Resistance and Ratchet/Clank, but every other game I have been interested in is also available on the 360. They need a lot more exclusive games for the PS3 than we have seen so far. (Well, good ones, I mean.)
I honestly would save up and buy both.

I'm looking foward to more 360 exclusives this year than I am PS3 exclusives, but the PS3's online is free and it has the Bluray player. Of the currently released games, I've only enjoyed one that is PS3 exclusive and that's Uncharted. 360 exclusive games that I've enjoyed were Condemend, Gears of War and Bioshock. Most multiplatform games are about even now with a few older ones being better on the 360 and different systems usually get exclusive content like Grand Theft Auto 4 on the 360 has exclusive content, the 360 version of Soul Caliber has Yoda as a character and the PS3 version has Darth Vader, little things like that. In 2008 here's the exclusives I'm looking forward to....


Fable 2
Gears of War 2
Ninja Gaiden 2
Too Human (maybe)
Alan Wake


Metal Gear Solid 4
Little Big Planet (maybe)
Killzone 2 (maybe)
Resistance 2 (maybe)
All depends on what your using it for...

If gaming is your primary reason for getting a system then go with the 360. Right now, the Xbox 360 has the best and most games. The PS3 will eventually catch up as they add to their catalog.

If it weren't for the PS3 being such a great Blu-Ray player and the fact that they were discontinuing the 60GB models with hardware backwards compatability, I probably would have waited until 2009 to get one. If your not a hardcore gamer and are just fine with only a few great titles, then the PS3 might be a good choice for you, especially if your interested in Blu-Ray.

When it comes to gaming consoles, it's the games that matter most to me, and for now, the 360 wins in that regard as it has the most titles and many fantastic exclusives available right now.
Yeah I agree. You need to own both sytems in this day and age. There are too many good games coming out on both the PS3 and XBox 360.

I don't buy the system, I buy the game. I am not going to let misguided "fanboyism" prevent me from playing a great game. It amazes me how people will not buy another brand of console and instead prefer to degenerate themselves by bad mouthing the other brand and it's owners.

Both sytems plays awesome games. Their is no agrument there. However, for a better all round experience (HD Movies, photos, media etc) the PS3 is my clear choice.

Another couple of points.

Blu Ray = Don't forget, Blu Ray is not just for movies. It means better games. More storage means the game developers can put in more. More graphics, more sound effects, more coding and more features :rock

Bluetooth = Controllers, keyboards, headsets and the remote are all being controlled by the PS3 easily and with more precision, relaibilty and range.

Built in WiFi = for use with your wireless network straight out of the box. Plus PSP connectivity.

In my opinion, a better controller = Bluetooth (see above). Lighter (even with rumble) and Sony's SIXAXIS. This rocks! Play FLOW to see why. Timeless design that has evolved from the original. If you have ever used a controller from the PS1 or PS2 (and who hasn't) you will feel familiar and be able to get straight into it.

EyeToy 2 = great for chat and games. The games designed for use with the Eyetoy are amazing and I cannot wait to see the future direction this will take.

The future = HOME, PlayTV, awesome upcoming games, oh and did I mention HOME? :lol

A few people have summed this up perfectly. The XBox 360 is a great games machine. So is the PS3, plus so much more :D

posted using PS3 web browser.
I was really excited about the PS3 web browser, something that the 360 lacks. In the end, I prefer using my laptop, but the PS3 does score points for having that option. I would use it more if I had a wireless keyboard (or a mini keyboard that connects to the controller like the one you can get for the 360), but entering those letters one at a time with the standard controller is too tiresome and I would rather just have my laptop sitting next to me if I need to access the internet.

They both have wireless controls with different additional options available. I have had more dropouts with my PS3 controller than the 360. That is to say, my 360 controllers have never once stuck or dropped out on me and it has happened probably three or four times on the PS3. I also prefer the battery replacement method on the 360. I can keep a backup battery charged and quickly swap it out on the 360, but not with the PS3. Also, in terms of total number of charges, when my PS3 controller battery ultimately reaches the end if its lifespan I will have to replace the whole thing, not just the removable battery. Because the battery isn't removable. The PS3 features motion sensitive control, and the 360 has the rumble feature, so you may have a preference there. So far, the use of the motion control has tended to be a little gimmicky. (If I want to wave my controller around, I'll play with my Wii.) I also prefer a little more weight to the thing. Again--a lot of personal preference involved that will please different people in different ways. In the end, I give my vote to the 360 for the better controller, but it's a matter of taste and what you want and don't want.

I would imagine that software developers producing games for both consoles are going to limit themselves to the lowest common denominator of disc capacity for the 360, so in many cases the extra space doesn't get used. But in games like Ratchet and Clank, it can make a difference and I can see more PS3 exclusive games taking advantage of the additional space over time. The potential is there and it will eventually be used.

Right now, I would give the edge to the 360 for exclusive games. I have only had to buy one or two games for the PS3 that weren't available on both systems. As time goes on, I expect that the game situation will improve. The 360 has had a head start. But Sony is also still feeding the PS2 fans, and so until that changes and the PS3 becomes their top priority and biggest seller, I don't think we are going to be seeing a flood of killer games. If they really want the PS3 to thrive, they should make the PS2 obsolete, and not allow the old model to continue existing alongside (and outselling) its successor. (In some ways, the PS3 reminds me of Windows Vista--supposed to be the next big thing, but the general public just doesn't feel compelled to make the upgrade.)

The PS3 gets points for the built in wireless access, rather than requiring an additional piece of hardware like the 360. (Unless you're in the camp of people who want to pay less at first and then customize the system, and have the option to add the additional components that you prefer.)

Both systems feature optional video cameras and chat capability, so that's a tie. (I don't think that you can connect to Windows Messenger on the PS3, something I have taken advantage of on the 360.)

Both systems offer 1080p video over HDMI, so that's a tie. This used to be an advantage of the PS3, but Microsoft closed that gap. (In the audio department: The 360 will send audio out to both the TV and sound system without any adjustments, while the PS3 requires you to go to the options menu and manually switch back and forth between the RCA and optical connections every time you want to turn on your sound system. One day I will get an HDMI capable receiver, but for now it's a hassle that drives me crazy.)

Both systems allow you to access streamed multimedia content over your home network, so that's a tie.

Both systems allow online play with your friends. (I personally prefer Xbox Live to the PS3, but it should be better because they are charging you. I would rather pay for a superior experience than get something second rate for free.)

Both systems allow you to listen to music, rip CDs to the hard drive, connect and listen to an iPod, view and store digital pictures and make them your wallpaper, play back DVDs--potential bonus points to the PS3 for the Blu-ray capability for those who want it. (Now that HD DVD is dead, Microsoft will be producing a Blu-ray add-on for the 360 and so die hard 360 fans will have the option as well. I don't mind paying extra for the built in drive, and many will feel the same now that the format war is over.)

Both systems allow you to download game demos and video content. (As far as I know, only the 360 allows you to download and rent entire films or purchase full episodes of TV shows, including high def versions. Want to download this week's episode of Lost in high def to your 120 gig hard drive? Not happening on your PS3.)

Which reminds me--the 360 allows you to easily pop off and upgrade your hard drive by making it an external piece of hardware. (Or even buy a cheap system without a hard drive if you're tight on money. MS wants you to have options. Sony wants you to have a good system--and all games are produced knowing that a hard drive is mandatory.)

If I was a super fanboy, I would argue that one offers a lot of exclusive features and capabilities that the other doesn't in some similar or alternate fashion. But to me, in the end you are pretty much getting the same experience one way or the other. I think that both systems offer more than just game play, and either one is worth owning. Most of the reasons people lift one system up over the other just seem to apply to both, or to be different in a way that some people like and others don't. It's just a matter of taste. In the end, I can't come up with a compelling reason to recommend one over the other apart from personal preference.
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Personally, I've always been partial to the Xbox. Granted the PS2 won th war over the original Xbox, due to popularity and game content, but the reverse seems to be true now. the 360 is more affordable, and comes with more games, while it seems the PS3 is still waiting to unleash. Now that bluray has won the war, maybe the PS3 will pick up steam; but if I want a HD/bluray player, I will buy that as a separate component. The 360 also syncs up to your computer network fairly seemlessly, its easily used as it's own media center PC.
Had a PS and PS2 then my wife was kind enough to buy me a 360 a couple of chrissies ago and im luvin it. :D

Basically it doesnt matter what any of us tell you as with most things it comes down to personal taste.

The way i see it your in a win win situation. :cool: I'm sure you'll enjoy whichever u get The Mike :)
I bought a 360 because of Dead Rising...

It's so good...although I only have 4 achievements left to get...

One bad thing is how expensive the wirless adaptor is on the 360...

The PS3 has one built in...(I think it does anyway)...

But considering we have all 3 next gen systems in the house, I'm a happy me...
I have never owned a XBOX. But, I have been thinking about getting a 360 for awhile now.

I do have the PS3 and the Wii. My PS3 gets turned on the most.

I love it, and if you do decide to go that route you will be very happy with it.

If your a sports fan. I highly recommend MLB '08: The Show. I bought it on Tuesday and I can't get enough of it.

I also love Blu-ray.