XBox Live's Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Red Ring of Intolerance?


XBox Live doesn't want you letting anybody know you're gay. Because that's offensive. Recently, a woman was banned from online gaming for identifying herself as a lesbian in her profile.

My account was suspended because I had said in my profile that I was a lesbian. I was harassed by several players, 'chased' to different maps/games to get away from their harassment. They followed me into the games and told all the other players to turn me in because they didn't want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap.
As if xbox live is really appropriate for kids anyways! My account was suspended and xbox live did nothing to solve this, but instead said others found it offensive.

Hey, that reminds me, people suck. Per XBox Live's don't tell policy:

In regards to sexual orientation, for gamertags or profiles we do not allow expression of any type of orientation, be that hetero or other. Players can, however, self identify in voice communication where context is more easily explained to all players involved.

Weak. I say XBox embrace the gay community and ban all the harassers. I'm tired of gaming with a bunch of pre-pubescent boys anyways. Their voices alone make me want to throw the system out the window. Tolerance, XBox, tolerance. And for those of you that feel stifled by the inability to post your sexual preference on XBox Live, feel free to do so here. I'll even get us started with the first comment.

Link: Sexual Identification equals Banning?
It's not just if you're gay, if you have an XBL gamertag that alludes to ANY sexual preference, you get banned.

Another look into the issue over at Kotaku:

(Former) Xbox Live gamer Teresa found herself on the receiving end of a ban from the service for a surprising reason. She identified herself as a lesbian in her Live profile.

That resulted in a ban from the service after her Xbox Live peers complained about her profile, according to a letter to the Consumerist.

It's not like we haven't heard this before. Microsoft has issued bans to players in the past for expressing their sexual preferences in Gamertags, but this is the first we've heard of profile info at the root cause of being kicked off Live.

Microsoft has gone on record in the past about its policy, saying that it's not limited to Gamertags of homosexual nature.

"Yes 'TheStraighterGamer' or 'TheHeterosexualgamer' would have gotten the same treatment and would have been found to be in violation and forced to be changed," wrote Microsoft reps following previous incidents.

Perhaps more alarming than someone being banned for their expression of sexual preference was how this particular gamer was treated by the gaming public.

Teresa tells the Consumerist "I was harassed by several players, 'chased' to different maps/games to get away from their harassment. They followed me into the games and told all the other players to turn me in because they didn't want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap."

Five minutes worth of interaction with the general Xbox Live population will get the point across—they don't care for "the gays." But does the policy go too far in one sense, not far enough in another?

It still sucks though. Stupid childish XBL users are legion, and it's alarming.
They didn't ban her because she was gay, they banned her because they prohibit people from putting that in their profiles and she did. She broke the rules. Not saying it is a right rule but still.
Why have it in your profile to begin with? WTF cares if you like tacos or hot dogs. Just play the game.
You dont see straight people putting "hey look im hetero" in their profiles. I have nothing against homosexuals, but there was no reason for her to put that in her profile whatsoever.
She wasn't banned for being gay. She was banned for doing what people know they are not supposed to do...straight or gay. This woman is trying to scream "homophobia" when it's not the case.

I will say this abou the gay community. I have never understood why there are some in that comunity that feel the need to parade around letting anyone and everyone know that they are gay. Who cares???? Straight people don't parade around that they are straight. I have no isses with someone being gay at all, but why do SOME feel the need to constantly put it out there? Most ( adult and mature ) people today don't make an issue out of it so they shouldn't either IMO.
Well she actually put it in her profile that shes gay, when clearly Microsoft states that's not allowed, so I doubt she'll get anywhere. I guess they just don't want the kids who do play to be exposed to that, but honestly most of the kids on Live sometimes say far worse things than the adults do. :lol
I agree with those that wonder why she even put it in her profile. Who cares if she's gay? That has nothing to do with playing Xbox. Useless personal information really. And she's upset about the treatment from other players online? She brought it on herself really. Take off the lesbian info and she wouldn't have been harassed. Dur!
Another reason to dislike microsoft wow, just when you think you had them all covered. FAIL. They are so full of BS it's coming out of their ears.

Oh and don't personally attack me for not liking your precious system or company thankyou.
Another reason to dislike microsoft wow, just when you think you had them all covered. FAIL. They are so full of BS it's coming out of their ears.

Oh and don't personally attack me for not liking your precious system or company thankyou.

And just like the chick didn't follow rules, you didn't read the thread.
Apparently we learned a little bit about lesbians, that they CAN'T READ. When you sign up for the xbox live service, they show you the service contract that they make you click. THe lesbian broke the rules, so she gets banned.
Weak. I say XBox embrace the gay community and ban all the harassers. I'm tired of gaming with a bunch of pre-pubescent boys anyways. Their voices alone make me want to throw the system out the window. Tolerance, XBox, tolerance. And for those of you that feel stifled by the inability to post your sexual preference on XBox Live, feel free to do so here. I'll even get us started with the first comment.[/I]

Dito ! Thats why I am not playing on Xbox Live anymore. All these Little Boys (or Girls ... you don´t know) are nerve wrecking. Microsoft should ban all the 7 year olds for playing Gears of War 2 (which is banned in Germany, I am 33 Years old and I am not allowed to download new maps).

Curse their parents for letting these kids play Gears 2 anyway ...

Xbox Live is starting to suck big time !

BTW ... Do you know why gay people parade ? They used to be put in prison just for being gay in the UK not long ago. Even today you get disadvantages just for being gay all over the world. I know some people that got married just to hide the Fact that they are gay. Now they got a life which doesn´t make them happy (or the ones that they are married to).

But ... I think some gay people overdo it. But thats only the minority.My Neighbour for example. He is behaving like that Guy on Youtube that speaks on Britney Spears behalf. I forgot his Name.

Sometimes I wonder if my Neighbours behaviour is real or if he is just playing. Most of the times it is funny ... Like when he is trying to lift something. He grouses like a women.

Whatever ... I say quit playing Xbox Live and go outside ... Spring is coming. BE GAY !!! lol
I don't care she got banned for breaking the rules, but to be harrassed simply for being a lesbian and hounded from one game to the next is pathetic. Yes, who cares she's gay? I don't. But there's obviously still alot of small minded homophobic pricks out there who clearly DO care, and for all the wrong reasons. GET A LIFE PEOPLE! She may well have been wrong to put it on her profile, but that doesn't justify abuse IMO.
I don't care she got banned for breaking the rules, but to be harrassed simply for being a lesbian and hounded from one game to the next is pathetic. Yes, who cares she's gay? I don't. But there's obviously still alot of small minded homophobic pricks out there who clearly DO care, and for all the wrong reasons. GET A LIFE PEOPLE! She may well have been wrong to put it on her profile, but that doesn't justify abuse IMO.

See, you're a little wrong here. She wasn't being attacked by small minded, homophobic pricks. she was being attacked and made fun of by kids who would have found something else to hound and attack her for other than being gay. These samr kids do it all the time to anyone they play be they gay, straight, black, white, asian or anything else you can name. They are internet tough guys who know there is nothing someone can "do" about them acting like little pricks. If she had no put that she was gay in her profile the would have just found something else to attack. It's what they do. They are little teenage brats who act tough over an internet conection.
See, you're a little wrong here. She wasn't being attacked by small minded, homophobic pricks. she was being attacked and made fun of by kids who would have found something else to hound and attack her for other than being gay. These samr kids do it all the time to anyone they play be they gay, straight, black, white, asian or anything else you can name. They are internet tough guys who know there is nothing someone can "do" about them acting like little pricks. If she had no put that she was gay in her profile the would have just found something else to attack. It's what they do. They are little teenage brats who act tough over an internet conection.

There's a lot of truth in what you said, probably, but did you not read the opening post in this thread?

This is what the banned player had to say:

My account was suspended because I had said in my profile that I was a lesbian. I was harassed by several players, 'chased' to different maps/games to get away from their harassment. They followed me into the games and told all the other players to turn me in because they didn't want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap.

It wasn't just kids who were harrassing her. Really goes to show how awful some people are.