It's also possible to fix the RROD problem on systems, although it involves opening up the console and fooling with stuff. I think mainly adding some washers and stuff to the motherboard.
I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but **** yeah!!!! 360 controller WITH RUMBLE on the PS3!! And turbo on any button!
Cross Battle Adapter Brings Xbox 360 Controller to PS3, With Rumble
Thank god!! I can finally get a man-sized controller to play with and have rumble!! So ordering one tomorrow!!
Each game has a set amount of Achievement Points, with most retail games having 1000 and some having more with expansion packs for the game. And XBL Arcade games have between 50-500 points.
And it has nothing to do with XBL. It just shows how far you've come along in you games.
They are really just more like bragging rights among you and your friends.
Forgive my ignorance but I was wondering what do Achivement Points do? I know it has somthing to do with Xbox Live (which I don't have... yet) but what spcifically are they for?
4th RROD!!!!
Finally got a red ring of death on my elite. I thought I was having pretty good luck until now...
i got my first xbox on day 1 that it was out..since that time i have gone through 6 of them!! all had the red ring of death!
i've had my 6th one for almost 2 years now and haven't had any problems yet!! hope it stays this way!
Yea, saw your message the other day. Man, you just keep having bad luck with those red rings. Do you leave it on for long periods of time or something else that can cause it to red-ring out???
My launch 360 is running perfect and gets used almost every day.
My Elite for work is running perfect and gets used every day (yes i game too much sue me)
My brother has gone through 2 360's difference? his were inside a unit that had space to get air but my 2 are out in the open with plenty of air something in it? not sure to be honet but his PS3 had a HDD failure aswell.
My PS3 is fine but you know now i've posted i'll be back saying all 3 have blown up.![]()
I keep my units in wide open air space as well. That may have something to do with keeping them runnng longer. I have not had a problem with my launch system or my elite either ( knocks on wood ).
"units", "wood", and "longer" in one post.